Believing Wives and Female Co-workers of the Apostles
Does Paul refer to wives of apostles or female coworkers of apostles in 1 Cor. 9:5? Was their role companionship or teaching Christian doctrine?
Does Paul refer to wives of apostles or female coworkers of apostles in 1 Cor. 9:5? Was their role companionship or teaching Christian doctrine?
Most modern translations of the New Testament rely on the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament. One of the editors of recent editions of this Greek New Testament is scholar Barbara Aland. This article provides a brief history of the Nestle-Aland text and a brief biography of Barbara Aland.
Early church writers, such as Eusebius, acknowledged that Philip’s four daughters were well-respected famous prophets and they associated the women with apostles and bishops.
This short article looks at how the Greek word kyria (“lady”) is used in a few ancient letters and texts, and how this usage helps us to understand who the “chosen lady” is in John’s second letter.
Bible women were involved in the life of their community, some as wailing women and as celebrants (cf. Psalm 68). What was the purpose of this public role?
Many Bible verses show women teaching or leading. Here are 15 of them, 15 reasons why I support women in church leadership.
Carolyn Custis James writes that it’s important for women to be included as equals in ministry: “The high price of the missing female perspective is incalculable.”
Here are over 40 women in the Bible who exercised social or political authority. In most of these women’s stories, no question is raised about the propriety of their authority.
Kathy Keller argues that women are prohibited from just one kind of speaking ministry and from holding one kind of position in the church.
Some complementarians believe women cannot be pastors and Bible teachers, yet they read Bible commentaries and theological books written by women. How does that work?
King Lemuel’s mother is one of two women mentioned in Proverbs 31. These Bible women, and others, serve as inspiration for godly women who teach.
Rahab in the Old Testament, and Lydia in the New, are separated by 1000s of years and 1000s of miles, yet there are intriguing similarities between the two women.
Jezebel of Thyatira is a teacher mentioned in Revelation 2:20ff. What does her example brings to discussions about women in ministry?
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
This article looks at the women Paul greeted in his letters, including 10 women mentioned in Romans 16. His greetings show that Paul did not have a problem with women ministers.
Here are some of my older articles on the apostle Paul’s teachings that especially apply to women. I love Paul!
Here are links to over a dozen articles on women church leaders mentioned in the New Testament, women such as Prisca, Phoebe, Junia, Nympha, and more.
Nino brought Christianity to Iberia (Georgia) back in the 300s and is regarded as “Equal to the Apostles” by the Orthodox Church.
How is this increase in biblical and theological scholarship from women being received by the church? And how will it affect the church?
The gender of Junia, Nympha and Euodia has sometimes been obscured, and some speculate that Stephanas (1 Cor. 1:16; 16:15ff) was also a woman minister whose gender has been obscured.
Paul wanted equality for all Christians and he wrote about this in his letters. In some verses, he even uses the word “equality.”
What does the Bible say about working women? Does God want women to stay out of the workforce and stay at home?
This is my account about how I went from thinking that a gender hierarchy in marriage and ministry was God’s design to realising that equality and mutuality is scriptural and God’s ideal.
I have included some of my personal views on topics related to biblical equality or “Casteless Christianity”. [3000 words]
Who were Euodia and Syntyche (Philippians 4:2-3)? Were they leaders of the Philippian church? Early Church Father John Chrysostom seemed to think so.
Can you name a woman who is called a pastor in the New Testament? Are there any women identified as church ministers in the NT?
Phoebe Palmer was the most influential woman in the American Methodist Church at a time when it was the largest Christian denomination in America. Her adult life was full of astonishing achievements in ministry.
Mary Kassian claims that Complementarianism represents the Church’s “traditional, orthodox, historic belief” on gender. She must be reading different accounts of Church history to me.
John addressed his second letter “to the chosen lady and to her children.” Who was this lady? Was she a mother, a church, or a house church leader?
Some Christians believe it is only men who are given spiritual authority by God. Yet in the Bible, God speaks to women and equips them for ministry.
This article looks at Priscilla and Aquila and explores Luke’s use of the Greek verb ektithēmi (“explain”) in Acts. Did Priscilla teach a man?
Catherine of Siena ministered to souls blighted by poverty, injustice, and disease. Her influence also reached the highest echelons of both civil and church politics in late medieval Italy.
In this article, I show that some women in the New Testament functioned in Ephesians 4:11 ministries: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor-teacher.
This article is about Junia—a minister mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:7—using and critiquing the ESV as a reference. Was Junia really a female apostle?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko