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The Christian life is a journey. It is a journey of discoveries and decisions and determination. Realising that Jesus is truly the Saviour is just the first, with many more wonderful discoveries following, as we keep following Jesus.
Deciding to turn away from sin (repent) and live God’s way, is a momentous decision, but it is only the beginning. Jesus wants us to become spiritually mature, so it is also important that we continue to make decisions that will help us to become more like Jesus and do the things he wants us to do. One of the Holy Spirit’s main tools to help us become spiritually mature is the Bible.
The Bible
The Spirit of God inspired various authors at different times to write the 66 books that form the collection we know as the Bible. Some of these books are histories, some are poetry, others are letters, etc. While these different books show a diversity of literary styles, subjects and purposes, there is a unifying theme that runs throughout. The Bible unfolds God’s plan of salvation, which involves the redemption and restoration of mankind and creation.
Speaking about the message of salvation in the Bible, the apostle Paul once wrote to a young man named Timothy and said:
“From the time you were a toddler you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise leading to salvation which is through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is God-breathed (inspired). . .” 2 Timothy 3:15-16.
The Gospels
For new Christians, it is best to start reading the Bible with the books of the New Testament. The first four books of the New Testament are about what Jesus did and said when he came to earth just over 2000 years ago. These four books are often referred to as the Gospels (or Good News) of Matthew, of Mark, of Luke and of John. For brand new Christians, the Gospel of Mark is a great book to start reading. (Look in the index of your Bible if you have trouble finding it.)
Bible Versions
The New Testament was originally written in Koine (common or every day) Greek, and the Old Testament was written mostly in Hebrew, but today there are numerous translations of the Bible in modern languages. It is important to choose a translation that is both accurate and easy for you to read and understand.
The Common English Bible (CEB), the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) and the New International Version (NIV) are four reliable English translations. The website Bible Gateway has over 150 Bible translations in 50 languages, and it’s online and free here.
A Bible that has a good explanation or introduction at the beginning of each book can be very useful as it helps readers understand the context of each Bible book: its setting, background, structure, themes, and purpose.
The Holy Spirit and Bible Reading
The Bible is full of rich, deep, inexhaustible, spiritual truth. The Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and we need the Holy Spirit to help us understand what God is teaching and telling us through the Bible. We also need the Holy Spirit’s help to put biblical and spiritual principles into practice.
To help you grow as a Christian, try to make a set time everyday to spend alone with God. Some people prefer to make this time early in the morning; some people prefer to make this time last thing at night. Some people make several times during the day.
Find a time everyday when you are least likely to be disturbed or distracted, a time when you don’t have to rush. This can be easier said than done. God is with us constantly, every moment of the day; however, it is good to spend time alone with him so that we can focus our undivided attention on him and his word—the Bible.
Before you start reading, talk to God. Share your heart and your thoughts with him. Tell him your joys, concerns and needs. He is listening. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring clarity and understanding and “life” to the Bible verses you are going to read. Then read a few verses, or a short passage from the Bible, and really think about what you are reading. Allow the words sink in.
Don’t think that you have to read the whole book or a whole chapter in one go. A few paragraphs a day is fine for beginners.
Joining a group where you can read and discuss the Bible is also important.
Memorising Scripture
While you are reading, if there is a verse that really sticks out, is particularly interesting to you, or seems to speak to you personally, try and memorise it. Memorised Scripture verses are like a ready arsenal of wisdom, comfort, and guidance that can help you live successfully as a Christian.
Next: Growing as a Christian – Prayer and Worship
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4 thoughts on “Growing as a Christian – Reading the Bible”
Wow! What are the meanings behind the full armor of God in a very useable easy manner for daily living?
Hi Nicole,
Putting on the “the armour of God” begins with knowing who God is and knowing who we are – his children. This knowledge makes us strong in the midst of persecution and attacks from spiritual enemies.
~ We need to stand firm in the truth of God and the righteousness that he has given to us (Eph. 6:14).
~ We need to stand ready with the good news that we are reconciled with God and have peace with him (Eph. 6:15 cf. Rom. 5:1-11).
~ Our belief, loyalty, and reliance on God makes it difficult for the devil to discourage us and lead us astray (Eph. 6:16).
~ We need to be aware that salvation crowns our life and gives us an abundant, vibrant, and eternal life – our eternal life has already begun (Eph. 6:17).
~ And we need to be aware that the Holy Spirit powerfully uses the word of God as a weapon against the enemy (Eph. 6:17).
~ We need to be alert and always praying, especially for fellow Christians (Eph. 6:18).
So, as well as knowing who God is and who we are, we need to know God’s word and be prayerful and alert. If we know and do these things, we will have put on the full armour of God.
I hope this helps.
The Bible has 73 books … not 66!
Thank you. Regards from Trevor.
Hi Trevor,
Roman Catholic Bibles have 73 books. Protestant Bibles have 66 books, and most of my readers are Protestant. Protestants do not regard the deuterocanonical books (Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and additions to Esther and Daniel), all written in Greek, as canonical.
I love some of the deuterocanonical books (also known as apocryphal books). I recommend they be read. They are an important, but often neglected, part of our Christian heritage. However, I don’t take them to be as authoritative or as inspired as either the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible or the 27 books of the Greek New Testament.