What’s in a Name? Deborah, Woman of Lappidoth
Was Deborah the wife of Lappidoth or from a town called Lappidoth? Or does “lappidoth” signify something quite different? And where does the name “Deborah” come from?
Was Deborah the wife of Lappidoth or from a town called Lappidoth? Or does “lappidoth” signify something quite different? And where does the name “Deborah” come from?
Are men accountable for their wives’ actions? This article looks at the accountability of Adam and Eve (pre-patriarchy) and of Ananias and Sapphira (post-Pentecost)
Does Romans 5:12–21 show that God holds only Adam, and not Eve, responsible for the first sin? How does Paul use the example of Adam in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15?
Did God give Adam the responsibility of telling Eve about the forbidden fruit? And what if Eve didn’t misquote God?
In what way (or ways) is the relationship between Jesus and the church a model for marriage? What does Paul mean in Ephesians 5:22-33?
Here are some free online Greek texts, tools and resources that I have found useful.
Here are excerpts from ancient Gnostic texts that present Adam and Eve in a very different light. Do they help us to understand 1 Timothy 2:13-14?
Andrew Perriman critiques the complementarian notion that Adam naming Eve displays man’s authority, or male headship, over woman.
How are we to understand “man was not created for woman, but woman for man”? Does 1 Corinthians 11:9 indicate that service or submission is the role of women and not men?
I love this powerful image of Mary consoling Eve. Just look at their feet!
Was the first man authorised by God to relay the command about the forbidden fruit to the first woman? What does the Bible say about Adam’s responsibility and authority?
Bathsheba has been described as a seductress and as a conniving political opportunist. Who was she really? What does the Bible say?
Al igual que nuestros hermanos, las mujeres que siguen a Jesús como Señor y Salvador han sido adoptados por Dios como sus hijos. Esto significa que tenemos un derecho a todos los privilegios de los hijos de Dios, incluyendo de ser coherederos del Reino con Jesús.
A short post on why Christian women, as well as Christian men, are sons of God. What does it mean to be an adopted son of God?
La Biblia muestra que no era inusual que las mujeres antiguas tuvieran un trabajo. Este artículo analiza a Priscila, Lidia, Febe y otras mujeres de la Biblia.
What does the Hebrew word “kenegdo” mean in Gen. 2:18 & 20? Was the woman made to be subordinate, suitable, or similar to the man?
Here are 10+ books and resources on marriage written for engaged and married couples, and for marriage counsellors. They all have an egalitarian, or mutualist, perspective.
Here are my notes from a talk I gave on the 28th of June 2014 at a public meeting hosted by the Sydney chapter of Christians for Biblical Equality.
La Biblia contiene varias historias en cual Dios pasó por alto a los esposos y guardianes hombres y habló directamente con mujeres, con mensajes de vital importancia.
Was Eve alone when the snake spoke to her? Here is a summary of Julie Parker’s essay, “Blaming Eve Alone: Translation, Omission, and Implications of עמה in Genesis 3:6b.”
Si estamos en Cristo somos parte de la Nueva Creación y parte de una comunidad donde los viejos paradigmas sociales y los sistemas de castas no tienen lugar (Gálatas 3:28). Si hemos sido “revestidos de Cristo” y “estamos en Cristo,” esto afectará nuestra identidad y status ahora mismo tanto como en el futuro.
The King James Bible is a great English translation, but is it the best? This article looks at 7 aspects of the KJV translation.
Gal. 3:28 isn’t only referring to our identity/ status before God. It’s also about our identity/ status in the Christian community (the church).
¿Por qué los autores del antiguo Testamento obviaron los nombres de algunas mujeres bíblicas? ¿No eran estas mujeres suficientemente importantes para ser nombradas?
Dear Dr Grudem, mutual submission is not a myth. Submission is not always, or necessarily, to a person in authority (cf. Eph. 5:21–22).
Why are some women not named in the Bible? Weren’t these women important enough to be identified? Or are they, in fact, identified?
Wifely submission is never mentioned in the Old Testament or in the Gospels. It is mentioned, however, in a few of the later New Testament letters. Why is that?
This short article looks at how the Greek word kyria (“lady”) is used in a few ancient letters and texts, and how this usage helps us to understand who the “chosen lady” is in John’s second letter.
Ever heard of Sera, Aksah or Sheerah? Here’s a little something about these three influential Bible women.
This article looks at the Septuagint, the ancient Greek version of the Old Testament. When, where, and why was it produced, and by whom?
Introducción Recientemente he presentado un trabajo de investigación para un curso que estoy estudiando en la que hago comparaciones de “Consejos de Plutarco a la
Paul’s main purpose for writing First Timothy was to address the heresy in the Ephesian Church, possibly a precursor to Gnosticism.
In Part 4 we begin looking at 1 Timothy 2:11-15, verse by verse, phrase by phrase.
Why are Adam and Eve mentioned immediately after Paul’s prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12? What does Paul mean by salvation and childbirth in 1 Timothy 2:15?
Some Christians seem determined to emphasise and polarise gender differences. Adam, however, marvelled at the similarities between man and woman.
Abigail was a smart, strong, prophetic woman who wisely intervened between two rash and angry men.
Michael Bird notes discrepancies between the ideology and the practice of some complementarians regarding women teaching men.
Here are some misogynistic quotations from well-known church fathers, theologians and reformers that do not reflect what the Bible says about women.
Algunos de mis artículos sobre la igualdad de hombres y mujeres en el matrimonio christiano y el ministerio han sido traducidos del inglés al español.
En los primeros días del Cristianismo, la presencia del Espíritu Santo trajo igualdad en la comunidad Cristiana.
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 is a difficult passage to understand, but it makes more sense when read as a chiasm. What are Paul’s concerns and instructions here?
While reading Plutarch’s “Advice to the Bride and Groom,” it struck me that some Christians sound like Plutarch (a 1st-century pagan author), rather than like Paul, in what they say about men and women and marriage.
Some wise words from C.S. Lewis, Wayne A. Meeks, and John H. Walton about learning the biblical languages, especially New Testament Greek.
Some Christians think the prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12 is straightforward in meaning. The various ways this verse is understood and implemented indicates otherwise.
Mary Kassian places a great deal of importance on the created order of man first, woman second, given in Genesis 2. Is she correct?
This passage is all about Jesus: Jesus, the triumphant victor. He has won the victory over sin and death through his death, the Righteous for the unrighteous, once and for all.
Introducción Según el programa de Google Analytics (que me proporciona estadísticas sobre visitas a mi sitio web), las personas suelen llegar a este sitio después de
Are women more easily deceived than men? What does the Bible, including 1 Timothy 2:14, say about Eve and women and deception?
What does submission mean? What does the Bible say about submission in marriage? Is wifely submission relevant in our modern western societies?
Defining femininity and masculinity is difficult. In this article, Stephanie Phillips Wilkins looks briefly at two definitions of femininity, one from John Piper.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko