The Holy Bible in Urdu – Recording
These recordings have been read and recorded by Javed Irshad. More about Javed’s ministry here. Genesis ch1 o1 پیدائش 01 Genesis ch2 01 پیدائش 02 Genesis
These recordings have been read and recorded by Javed Irshad. More about Javed’s ministry here. Genesis ch1 o1 پیدائش 01 Genesis ch2 01 پیدائش 02 Genesis
Si de verdad iglesias creen que la razón por la cual las mujeres no deben de enseñar es porque las mujeres son mas susceptibles a ser engeñadas, la lógica diría que las mujeres no se les debería de confiar a enseñarles a vulnerables niños u otras supuestamente crédulas mujeres.
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
Leviticus 19:3 says “Every one of you shall reverence his mother and father …” I decided to search for other verses that also mention “mother” first. Here’s what I found.
Plenty of people are “distressed, dispirited, and without a shepherd” and the harvest has never been more plentiful (Matt. 9:36-37). Do we ask God to send only male workers into the harvest field?
La palabra “ezer” describe aspectos de la personalidad de Dios, el es nuestra fuerza, nuestro salvador, nuestro protector y nuestra ayuda! “Ezer kenegdo”–ayuda idónea, es usada con referencia a Eva sin ningún tipo de limites prescritos, calificaciones estrechas o restricciones culturales cuidadosamente calculadas.
Ephesians 5:22-33 is written as a chiasm with a highlighted point at the centre of the passage. We misinterpret this passage if we miss this main point.
Many Christians believe that submission in marriage is the duty only of wives. In 1 Peter 3:7 Peter comes very close to saying that husbands are to be submissive to their wives too.
In 1 Peter 3:1-6, Peter resumes the theme of submission. This time he addresses wives and uses the example of Sarah’s submission.
There are differences between the Old and New Testaments in how women are described, especially in regard to beauty, marriage, motherhood, and ministry.
The word help/helper in Genesis 2 has a strong sense in both the original Hebrew and in the Greek Septuagint. This strength is shown when we look at the context of every verse in the Septuagint that contains the word.
Is protection a man’s job? Do women need protecting? Perhaps instead of “protecting” capable Christian women, the church should be empowering her women.
Peter tells his audience to abstain from sinful desires (lusts) of the flesh, and he explains how to deal with slander.
Christmas cards often show the newborn Jesus surrounded by farm animals. Was this really the case? And what is the significance of the “manger” mentioned three times in Luke chapter 2?
Complementarian Mark Chanski seems to think men and women each have just one role, or position, they are to play and maintain throughout their lives. I disagree.
What does the Bible say about working women? Does God want women to stay out of the workforce and stay at home?
Here are 4 reasons why I’m staying out of gender discussions that use the Trinity as a model for marriage.
The New Living Translation (NLT) seems supportive and inclusive of women because it often translates adelphoi as “brothers and sisters” but it promotes male authority.
Here is the entry of meanings & glosses of kephalē (the Greek word for “head”) copied and pasted from Liddel, Scott & Jones’s Greek-English Lexicon (LSJ).
Does Paul’s statement in Ephesians 5:23, “the husband is the head of the wife,” mean that the husband has leadership or authority over his wife? And what about 1 Corinthians 11:3?
Many Christians believe that submission in marriage is the duty only of wives. In 1 Peter 3:7 Peter comes close to saying that husbands are to be submissive to their wives too.
In 1 Peter 3:1-6, Peter instructs wives to submit and he uses the examples of “the holy women of the past” and Sarah to help make his points. Who were these “holy women of the past”? In what way did Sarah submit to Abraham?
Moses, one of Israel’s greatest leaders, would have perished on several occasions if it had not been for the courage, wisdom, and enterprise of six brave women.
Here are summaries of a range of interpretations of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 proposed by well-known New Testament scholars. How do these verses apply today?
God is often referred to with masculine pronouns and masculine terms in the Bible. Does this mean God is male or masculine?
The fact that only men were permitted to serve as priests in the Old Testament is sometimes used to argue that women cannot be church leaders. There are several significant shortcomings in this argument.
Mary Kassian claims that Complementarianism represents the Church’s “traditional, orthodox, historic belief” on gender. She must be reading different accounts of Church history to me.
Is it logical to prohibit women from teaching grown men? What was the reason for Paul’s prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12? Was it because Eve was deceived?
How does the Septuagint translate “a helper suitable/ meet for him” in Genesis 2:18 and 20? In particular, what is the Greek word translated as “helper” here?
The creed Paul quotes in Philippians 2:6-11 expresses the depths of humiliation Jesus Christ endured as well as his ultimate exaltation which results in glorious cosmic and universal worship.
Who were the Judaisers? And what does Paul say about circumcision in Philippians 3?
This essay takes a close look at James 2:14-26 and explores the link between genuine Christian faith and compassionate, ethical deeds.
Many people have had a narrow and lowly view of the meaning of “helper” (ezer) used for Eve in Genesis 2:18 & 20. How is ezer used elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible?
« Return to 1 Timothy 2:12 in Context « All articles tagged with 1 Timothy 2:12 are here. Bibliography for 1 Timothy 2:12 in Context
Many people feel trapped and suffer in situations beyond their control. How can we prosper and have success despite difficult and unpleasant circumstances? [300 words]
In the time of Jesus, Samaria was situated between the regions of Galilee and Judea. This article briefly looks at the history of the Samaritans.
In John 4 we read about the Samaritan woman’s life-changing encounter with Jesus. She was very different from Nicodemus.
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is full of messianic symbolism. The Jews expected that the Messiah would come during this annual harvest festival. What did Jesus do at this feast?
Many people are hungry for the greatness, grandeur and glory of God. How can we experience and reflect God’s glory?
Jesus’ Last Supper bears the marks of a covenant meal. When we share Communion we don’t just remember Jesus’ death, we also reaffirm our participation in the New Covenant.
Marg Mowczko is a wife, mother, grandmother, a student of the New Testament and early church history, and, most importantly, a follower of Jesus.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko