1 Corinthians 11:2-16: Line by Line (4)
“A woman ought to have power on her head” is the crux of 1 Cor. 11:2-16. What did Paul mean here? And what does “because of the angels” mean?
“A woman ought to have power on her head” is the crux of 1 Cor. 11:2-16. What did Paul mean here? And what does “because of the angels” mean?
In Part 3, I focus on 1 Cor. 11:7-9 and corresponding verses. Why did Paul say man is the image and glory of God, and woman was made for man?
In Part 2, I continue looking at 1 Cor. 11:2-16, especially at 1 Cor. 11:4-6. Was Paul’s concern head coverings or hairstyles?
This is Part 1 of a talk I gave in August on 1 Cor. 11:2-16. This passage includes the phrase, “the head of woman is the man.”
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