30 Bible Verses on Women’s Leadership
Here are 30 of my favourite Bible verses that show women leading, teaching, prophesying, and positively influencing their communities.
Here are 30 of my favourite Bible verses that show women leading, teaching, prophesying, and positively influencing their communities.
Three times this past week I’ve been in online conversations where a person has stated that women were not leaders or elders in early churches. Was this really the case?
Does the creation of Adam first mean that only men may teach? Is the created order a reason for the prohibition in 1 Tim 2:12?
Does God’s lament in Isaiah 3:12 (“women rule over them”) show that the leadership of women is a bad thing? What does Isaiah 3:12 mean?
The social world of the Roman Empire was patriarchal, yet they were able to lead in certain contexts. This article describes 4 of these social contexts.
Here are over 40 women in the Bible who exercised social or political authority. In most of these women’s stories, no question is raised about the propriety of their authority.
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
Paul described his ministry in maternal and paternal terms. It seems God does not want his people led only in a masculine manner.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko