The Woman on the Scarlet Beast in Revelation 17
Some are disturbed by the female figure in Revelation 17. What does she suggest about John’s attitude to women, or about women in general? Who or what is Babylon the Great?
Some are disturbed by the female figure in Revelation 17. What does she suggest about John’s attitude to women, or about women in general? Who or what is Babylon the Great?
What does “shekinah” mean for Christians? Is this concept in the Bible? What, if anything, does “shekinah” tell us about God’s gender?
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 and 14? What do they symbolise? Are women really excluded from this group?
Several Bible verses refer to a future judgment involving eternal elements such as fire and worms. Do these verses speak of eternal conscious torment for the unrepentant?
Jezebel of Thyatira is a teacher mentioned in Revelation 2:20ff. What does her example brings to discussions about women in ministry?
Does weeping and gnashing of teeth go on for eternity? Was Lazarus in hell? Where is Tartarus?
Revelation 5:9-10 is about the universal, inclusive nature of the church and the priesthood of believers. Some Christians, however, divide the church into two distinct groups on the basis of gender.
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