Are the branches lifted up or taken away in John 15:2a?
John 15:2a is usually understood as being about unproductive branches being removed, but some propose a new way of interpreting this phrase.
John 15:2a is usually understood as being about unproductive branches being removed, but some propose a new way of interpreting this phrase.
Jesus used hyperbole in his Sermon on the Mount, especially in Matt 5:17-48 and perhaps also in the phrase “makes her an adulterer.”
Paul never mentions Gehenna (“hell”) in his letters. James mentions it once. Jesus mentions it several times. Is it a real place? Is it a place of torment for people?
What is the context of Jesus’ words on divorce with the Pharisees? Did he teach that all second marriages, with a former spouse still living, are adulterous? Probably not.
How can we be like the wise man who built a strong, unshakeable house on a secure foundation in Luke 6?
Jesus promoted the social values of humility and equality where the humble are exalted, the lowly are the greatest, and the last are first.
In Matthew 20:1–16 Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers and points out that there is equality in his kingdom. To those who have so far been sidelined, Jesus says “Go work in my vineyard.”
In this post I share some Bible verses and thoughts about God’s kingdom in the here and now and future, and I briefly state the early Jewish understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Christians have been waiting almost 2000 years for Jesus to return to earth. But what if Jesus is waiting for us? Is he waiting for us to bring shalom?
Does weeping and gnashing of teeth go on for eternity? Was Lazarus in hell? Where is Tartarus?
Is motherhood the highest calling for women? Is fatherhood the highest calling for men? What did Jesus have to say about this?
“Come to me all you who are exhausted and overburdened …” This is a short commentary about taking on Jesus’s yoke and finding spiritual rest and refreshment.
Jesus and Paul both spoke about rewards for those who faithfully serve God and his people. What we are doing now has a direct bearing on our future, eternal life.
When you decide to become a Christian, some amazing things happen.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko