The Holy Spirit and Masculine Pronouns in John’s Gospel
Did the author of John’s Gospel break grammar rules and use masculine pronouns in John 14–16 to masculinise and personalise the Holy Spirit?
Did the author of John’s Gospel break grammar rules and use masculine pronouns in John 14–16 to masculinise and personalise the Holy Spirit?
What did the Samaritan woman mean when she told the folk of Sychar, “Come, see a man who told me ‘everything I ever did'”?
John 15:2a is usually understood as being about unproductive branches being removed, but some propose a new way of interpreting this phrase.
Was Martha initially missing in Papyrus 66, the oldest text of John’s Gospel? Is Mary of Bethany in John 11-12 really Mary Magdalene?
In this somewhat technical post, I quote the 5 verses in John’s Gospel that mention “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Is the beloved disciple a woman?
Eve, Delilah, Bathsheba, Mary Magdalene, and the Samaritan woman have often been thought of as immoral. What’s with that? This article looks at the Samaritan woman without negative prejudices.
Does the Trinity model distinct roles and separate spheres? Is there hierarchy and subordination in the Divine?
Ultimately, there is only one sin that really matters as far as salvation and eternal life is concerned.
This introduction briefly highlights some of John’s objectives in writing his account of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
You can find the list of books and webpages I have used to write the notes for our study of John’s Gospel here.
John’s prologue to his Gospel is rich in theology. What did John mean by referring to Jesus as the Word (or logos)? Why did he call Jesus the light?
In this session we look at who John the Baptist was. Was he the prophet Elijah? What did he say about Jesus?
In this study we look briefly at true discipleship, at our priority in ministry, at what Nathaniel was doing, and more.
Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana seems frivolous. What did this miracle (sign) mean to John’s Jewish and Greco-Roman audience?
How do you picture Jesus? How does the Jesus portrayed in traditional, religious art compare with John’s account of Jesus clearing the Temple?
We are saved by believing in, that is, placing our faith and trust in, Jesus. But what does belief and faith really mean? John 2:24 gives us a clue.
In John 4 we read about the Samaritan woman’s life-changing encounter with Jesus. She was very different from Nicodemus.
How many people have come to Jesus driven by desperation? How many people have turned to Jesus because there was no other option left? This was the case for the royal official in John chapter 4.
On the face of it, the title “the Son of Man” doesn’t seem that impressive. What does this title really mean? What are its implications?
A reflection on the story of when Jesus walks on water. Jesus wants us to take courage when we are struggling against the storms of life.
Just as the barley loaves had satisfied the crowd’s physical hunger, Jesus promised to satisfy their spiritual hunger.
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is full of messianic symbolism. The Jews expected that the Messiah would come during this annual harvest festival. What did Jesus do at this feast?
“Saviour” can mean healer. Jesus wants us to be made whole: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Jesus acts as saviour with the man born blind.
The opportunity for Israel to accept Jesus as their Messiah was while Jesus was with them in person. Also, why did Jesus sometimes use saliva when healing?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko