My Beliefs
I believe God is made up of three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit. I believe God is eternal, immensely powerful, and all-knowing. I believe he has created the universe and that he continues to sustain it. I see evidence of his design genius, profound workings, and spectacular creativity everywhere in nature! I also believe that one of God’s defining characteristics is love. God’s love for you and me is limitless and unfathomable.
Jesus and Salvation
I believe Jesus is the unique Son of God who is fully and eternally divine. He also became fully human approximately 2000 years ago in order to effectively carry out his earthly ministry of redemption.
I believe that no human being on earth has ever seen God in all his glory. It would be so incomprehensibly awesome, even terrifying, if we did. Because of this fact, in an act of tremendous humility, Jesus took on human form, a form that we could relate to. And while in human form, Jesus showed us and taught us about God and his Kingdom. Jesus’ earthly ministry is recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible.
I believe in the need for every person on the planet to find the salvation and redemption that Jesus has fully paid for with his death on the cross. I believe that because of Jesus’ effective, sacrificial act, he alone can save people from sin and death, and he alone can freely give eternal life to those who put their trust in him. Without Jesus, a person is lost. Those who have ignored or rejected Jesus and his offer of salvation in this lifetime will be judged by God and will forever miss out on the life he offers.
While Jesus truly died on the cross, he did not stay dead. He became alive again. Because he is alive, he has tremendous power and ability to help us. And because Jesus has conquered death, he can give us eternal life with him.
By entrusting our lives completely to Jesus we become undeserving recipients of forgiveness of sin, deliverance from darkness and death, justification, sanctification as the Holy Spirit sets us apart as especially belonging to God and begins his work of making us more and more like Jesus, reconciliation which allows us to come near to God in a close relationship instead of being distant and estranged, adoption as God’s own beloved children, and a wonderful, eternal inheritance. [More about salvation, here.]
I know that one day Jesus will return to earth to rule as Messiah (King), and that when he does everyone will know about it; everyone will visibly see him. Jesus will rule from Jerusalem, a city that is especially loved by God.
Holy Spirit
I believe in the phenomenal ministry of the Holy Spirit. I believe he still does miracles all the time, all over the world, and that sometimes he even uses us to do them. It is a privilege and a joy to be in a ministry partnership with God through his Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has many roles. He gives us guidance, strength, and comfort. He also gives us spiritual abilities as he determines. One of the Holy Spirit’s main roles is to help each follower of Jesus become like Jesus. [More about the Holy Spirit, here.]
I believe the Bible, both the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament, is inspired by God and is supremely authoritative. The Bible, through narrative, poetry, and instructions, etc, show us how we can know God. They also show us how we can live lives that please God—lives that will be blessed and used by him. God speaks to us corporately and personally through the Bible. [More about the Bible, here.]
God hears us when we speak to him. He hears our prayers and uses them to achieve his purposes. He hears the prayers of those who are truly sorry for their sins (wrong-doings) and he hears the prayers of those who are following Jesus in a close relationship with him. [More about prayer, here.]
I believe the Church is made up of all people who truly trust in Jesus Christ and follow him as their Lord, regardless of whatever denomination they may or may not belong to. The Church is made up of people all across the globe, from every country and every ethnic group. God loves the community of his people—the Church.
As children of God, we are promised an eternal, wonderful inheritance. The Scriptures promise a new heaven and a new earth free from sin, disease, darkness, and death. Our inheritance is beyond our understanding this side of eternity, but it is our certain hope.
I believe that men and women, though having some fundamental biological differences, share many things in common. I believe that men and women are essentially equal. I believe that functions, roles, and responsibilities in the home, in the church, and in society, should be shared according to a person’s individual God-given gifts, abilities, talents, and temperaments, regardless of gender.
I have two short posts on this website that explain Christian Egalitarianism, here and here. An off-site article explaining Christian Egalitarianism is here.
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