Exploring the biblical theology of Christian egalitarianism

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5 Flawed Ideas About “Headship” in Marriage

In this new blog post, I repond to five flawed ideas I often hear as interpretations of Paul’s words to wives and husbands in Eph. 5:22-33, including the “husband as decision-maker” idea.

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Desert Mothers Synclectica, Melania

Melania the Elder’s Powerful Influence on Early Christianity

My friend Dr Jackie Roese wrote this article about Melania the Elder, a powerful, wealthy, educated woman who influenced and shaped Christianity in the late 300s until her death in 410.

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Cerula and Bitalia in Catacomb Art

What does the iconography of the catacomb frescoes tell us about the ecclesial role or position of Cerula and Bitalia, two fifth-century women?

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(2) Submission & the Saviour in Ephesians 5

In part 2, I look at Christ’s role as the “Saviour of the body” and what this means for Paul’s words to wives in Ephesians 5:22-24 and to husbands in Ephesians 5:25ff.

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women as helpers

(1) Submission & the Saviour in Ephesians 5

In this 2-part article, I present what I’ve been learning about the Greek “submit” verb, and I look at what it meant to Paul that Jesus is the “Saviour of the body.”

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Communion last supper

Were there Women at the Last Supper?

Did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper (Passover) with only the twelve male apostles? Were there any women present? What do the Gospels show?

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Theosebia and Gregory of Nyssa

An Overview of Women Ministers in the Early Church

Women have always played important roles in the mission of the church and they are a part of our history. I highlight some of these women here.

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This mystery is great. Ephesians 5:32

A Note on the Mystery in Ephesians 5:31-32

What is the mystery in Eph 5:32? Here’s my quick take on “This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.”

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1 Corinthians 14 meaning

The Structure and Language of 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

I’ve highlighted the structure and vocabulary of 1 Cor. 14:26-40 which contains verses 33-34, “Women should be silent in the churches …”

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Sandra Glahn, Artemis, fertility goddess, mother goddess

Sandra Glahn Debunks Myths About Artemis

The idea that Artemis of Ephesus was a fertilty or mother goddess is often repeated. Using ancient evidence, Sandra Glahn challenges these ideas, and others, in her book Nobody’s Mother.

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Adam and Eve 1 Timothy 2

“Paraclete” in Ancient Secular, Jewish, and Christian Texts

Was paraclete a military term as some claim? I look at ancient Greek texts to see how the word was used outside and within the New Testament.

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Mary the Mother of James and Joseph

The Other Mary: Mother of James and Joseph

Mary the mother of James and Joseph/ Joses, also known as “the other Mary,” is mentioned 7 times in the Synoptic Gospels. What do we know about her?

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Sandra Glahn, Artemis, Nobody's Mother

Sandra Glahn on the Decline of Women in Public Ministry

Sandra Glahn gives 4 reasons in her book “Nobody’s Mother” for why there was a decline of women in public ministry in the centuries following Pentecost.

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All the marys in the New Testament. The meaning of Mary, Maria, Miriam

All the Marys and Miriams in the Bible

I look at all the Miriams, Marias, and Marys in the Bible (there are 7 in the NT), and at Mariamne in Josephus, and discuss what their names might mean.

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saved through childbearing meaning 1 Tim 2:15

What does “saved through childbearing” (1 Tim. 2:15) mean?

There are various interpretations of “she will saved through childbearing” put forward by scholars, but in this article, I explain how I understand the phrase.

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Publia deaconess Antioch Ephrem Syria

Publia and her Plucky Choir of Virgins (AD 360s)

In this post, I quote a story from Theodoret of Cyrrhus’s Church History about Publia, a daring deaconess who lived in Antioch in the 360s, and her brave choir.

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deaconess Theodoret of Cyrrhus

A Female Teacher and Deacon in Antioch (AD 360s)

In Theodoret of Cyrrhus’s Church History there is an interesting story of a brave woman who was a teacher and deacon in Antioch in the early 360s.

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women elders in ancient church manuals didascalia women teachers

A Christian Lady Teacher in Egypt in the 300s AD

In this blog post, I look at a papyrus letter, written between Christians in the early 300s AD, which plainly mentions a woman teacher (kyrian tēn didaskalon).

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kenegdo Genesis 2 suitable helper submit submission headship

Submission in 1 Corinthians 15:28 and in Marriage

The Son’s submission to the Father in 1 Cor. 15:28 does not inform our understanding of submission in marriage in the way some people argue. Here’s why.

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eshet chayil

Revisiting Eshet Chayil (“Woman of Valour”)

I look at the Hebrew word chayil, used in Proverbs 31:10 for an eshet chayil, and at the Greek word andreia (“courageous”), used to describe some Bible and early Christian women.

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New Testament women

Women and Men and Ministry in First-Century Churches (3)

This is the 3rd post taken from my chapter in “Co-workers and Co-leaders.” I look here at some of the men and women who were involved in difficult and dangerous ministries.

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