Freebies for Students of Early Christian Women
NEW Here are links to books and papers on women in early Christianity, and related topics, that can be read for free online.
Here you’ll find articles about the mutuality and equality of men and women in Christian marriage and ministry, as well as articles on women in the Bible and in the early church. Take a look around.
~ Marg Mowczko
Would you like to support my ministry of encouraging mutuality and equality between men and women in the church and in marriage?
NEW Here are links to books and papers on women in early Christianity, and related topics, that can be read for free online.
Different translations focus on either Sarah’s faith or Abraham’s faith in Hebrews 11:11. Who is the subject of this verse?
Here are 30 of my favourite Bible verses that show women leading, teaching, prophesying, and positively influencing their communities.
Who is the servant of God in Romans 13. Was he a Roman or Jewish leader? A spiritual entity? How are we to understand and implement Paul’s instructions?
“A woman ought to have power on her head” is the crux of 1 Cor. 11:2-16. What did Paul mean here? And what does “because of the angels” mean?
In Part 3, I focus on 1 Cor. 11:7-9 and corresponding verses. Why did Paul say man is the image and glory of God, and woman was made for man?
© 2022 Marg Mowczko