What does “saved through childbearing” (1 Tim. 2:15) mean?
There are various interpretations of “she will saved through childbearing.” In this article, I explain how I understand the phrase.
There are various interpretations of “she will saved through childbearing.” In this article, I explain how I understand the phrase.
John 15:2a is usually understood as being about unproductive branches being removed, but some propose a new way of interpreting this phrase.
What does “shekinah” mean for Christians? Is this concept in the Bible? What, if anything, does “shekinah” tell us about God’s gender?
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 and 14? What do they symbolise? Are women really excluded from this group?
Several Bible verses refer to a future judgment involving eternal elements such as fire and worms. Do these verses speak of eternal conscious torment for the unrepentant?
Paul never mentions Gehenna (“hell”) in his letters. James mentions it once. Jesus mentions it several times. Is it a real place? Is it a place of torment for people?
As followers of Jesus we need to keep our eyes on our risen and exalted Lord. But on this Good Friday, I’m praying using Fanny Crosby’s words, “Jesus, keep me near the cross.”
Have you heard people say that all sins (wrong doings) are the same before God? I have wondered about this belief. What does the Bible say about this?
I love this powerful image of Mary consoling Eve. Just look at their feet!
A short post on why Christian women, as well as Christian men, are sons of God. What does it mean to be an adopted son of God?
Gal. 3:28 isn’t only referring to our identity/ status before God. It’s also about our identity/ status in the Christian community (the church).
In this post I share some Bible verses and thoughts about God’s kingdom in the here and now and future, and I briefly state the early Jewish understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven.
What does oppression and the horrors of slavery in the song “O Holy Night” have to do with an innocent newborn baby in a manger?
This passage is all about Jesus: Jesus, the triumphant victor. He has won the victory over sin and death through his death, the Righteous for the unrighteous, once and for all.
Does weeping and gnashing of teeth go on for eternity? Was Lazarus in hell? Where is Tartarus?
Do we place our sins and troubles at the metaphorical “foot of the cross”? Or do we hand them over to God the Father through the real, resurrected, and exalted Jesus Christ?
Peter reminds his audience of their glorious inheritance and that experiencing trials will prove faith which is of greater worth than gold.
Ultimately, there is only one sin that really matters as far as salvation and eternal life is concerned.
Jesus and Paul both spoke about rewards for those who faithfully serve God and his people. What we are doing now has a direct bearing on our future, eternal life.
What is the righteousness that comes from God? What does it mean to be justified? What does it mean to be reconciled with God?
When we entrust our lives to Jesus, our eternal life begins. Our salvation is a done deal, or so it would seem. Is it really a case of instant christianity?
Genuine faith in Jesus motivates our entire being. It moves our emotions, engages our mind, involves making decisions, and inspires our actions.
Jesus did not come to make us “better” people or to give us a “better” life. He came so that we could become new, live a new life, experience a new day. [140 words]
The children in my class were astonished, even incredulous, that we can become children of God. I hope I never lose that sense of amazement.
Becoming a Christian isn’t about following a set of rules or guidelines, or living by a set of values. Becoming a Christian means knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and having a relationship and connection with God.
When you decide to become a Christian, some amazing things happen.
As Christians we should be growing deeper in our devotion to God, stronger in our faith, and more effective in using our gifts. Reading the Bible can help with these things, and more.
We are saved by believing in, that is, placing our faith and trust in, Jesus. But what does belief and faith really mean? John 2:24 gives us a clue.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko