Paul Distilled by Gary W. Burnett
“Paul Distilled” is a great book for anyone who wants to read an inspiring overview of Paul’s theology that is short and simple to understand. Here’s my review.
“Paul Distilled” is a great book for anyone who wants to read an inspiring overview of Paul’s theology that is short and simple to understand. Here’s my review.
Throughout her book, Dr Barr aims to show that complementarianism isn’t the only option for those who believe the Bible is the authoritative Word of God.
The Reformation is “a story of loss rather than a story of gain, of increased subordination rather than of liberation.”
In her book The Making of Biblical Womanhood, Beth Allison Barr argues that the concept of “biblical womanhood” doesn’t come from the apostle Paul.
I was honoured to write a foreword to Graham Hill’s book “Holding Up Half the Sky” where he presents a biblical case for women leading and teaching in the church. The foreword is in this post.
Andrew Bartlett tells us about his 2019 book “Men and Women in Christ.” This is an excellent, thoroughly-researched book that is accessible to novices and useful to scholars.
Here is a short review of Suzanne McCarthy’s book, Valiant or Virtuous?: Gender Bias in Bible Translation. Her book is on a topic close to my heart.
How did God respond when women took the lead? In his book For Such a Time, Ed Dickerson answers this question by looking at the stories of enterprising women in the Bible. Here is a short review of his book.
Here’s a short review of Cynthia Westfall’s superb new book, “Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ,” published by Baker Academic.
In this post, I review and recommend Greg Forbes and Scott Harrower’s 2015 book “Raised from Obscurity” on the women in Luke Gospel and Acts.
Eusebius’s Church History (or Ecclesiastical History) fills in many of the gaps in the New Testament accounts of the Apostolic Church … and more. It’s an interesting read!
“Unexpected Love” is a book about Jesus’ conversations with nine women, as recorded in the Gospels. This book would make a lovely gift.
Are you looking for a systematic theology or a book on Christian doctrine that has been written by a scholar with an egalitarian or mutualist ideology? Here are a few good books you might want to add to your library.
Here are 10+ books and resources on marriage written for engaged and married couples, and for marriage counsellors. They all have an egalitarian, or mutualist, perspective.
In his 2012 book “Hearing Her Voice,” scholar and minister John Dickson argues that women can preach, exhort, exposit Scripture, prophecy, pray, etc, in church.
Kathy Keller argues that women are prohibited from just one kind of speaking ministry and from holding one kind of position in the church.
“God’s Good Design” is an Australian publication that promotes complementarian gender roles. This review by Dr Lyn Kidson contains information from primary sources on the Roman virtue of “quietness.”
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko