Salome: Follower of Jesus and Myrrh Bearer
Salome was a follower of Jesus, a witness of his crucifixion and empty tomb. She is mentioned twice in the Bible but many more times in other early church documents.
Salome was a follower of Jesus, a witness of his crucifixion and empty tomb. She is mentioned twice in the Bible but many more times in other early church documents.
Discovering the beliefs, practices and policies of early Christians is a fascinating pursuit. To help, here are resources on the early church that are freely available online.
I’m amazed by the number of letters and other documents written by early Christians. Eusebius discusses some of these in his church history.
In his Church History, Eusebius wrote, “Ethiopia even to the present day is ruled, according to ancestral custom, by a woman” (cf. Acts 8:27). Is there any truth in his statement? As it turns out, there is.
Eusebius’s Church History (or Ecclesiastical History) fills in many of the gaps in the New Testament accounts of the Apostolic Church … and more. It’s an interesting read!
Female martyrs in the early church, such as Blandina and Perpetua, “conformed themselves to Christ, even in death.”
Early church writers, such as Eusebius, acknowledged that Philip’s four daughters were well-respected famous prophets and they associated the women with apostles and bishops.
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