Sarah’s or Abraham’s Faith in Hebrews 11:11?
Different translations focus on either Sarah’s faith or Abraham’s faith in Hebrews 11:11. Who is the subject of this verse?
Different translations focus on either Sarah’s faith or Abraham’s faith in Hebrews 11:11. Who is the subject of this verse?
Have you heard people say that all sins (wrong doings) are the same before God? I have wondered about this belief. What does the Bible say about this?
Peter reminds his audience of their glorious inheritance and that experiencing trials will prove faith which is of greater worth than gold.
In these few verses, Peter makes some remarkable statements and reveals that each member of the Trinity has a role in salvation. We have a role too.
Even though a Canaanite woman was crying out for help, Jesus didn’t say a word. Why was Jesus silent? And why does God sometimes seem silent and remote?
Ultimately, there is only one sin that really matters as far as salvation and eternal life is concerned.
What is the righteousness that comes from God? What does it mean to be justified? What does it mean to be reconciled with God?
In Philippians 4:6-9, Paul tells the Christians in Philippi to be “anxious for nothing”, and he provides the antidote for worry and anxiety.
This essay takes a close look at James 2:14-26 and explores the link between genuine Christian faith and compassionate, ethical deeds.
Genuine faith in Jesus motivates our entire being. It moves our emotions, engages our mind, involves making decisions, and inspires our actions.
David felt fear when people were seeking to kill him, but he also knew his God and had faith. Ignorance of God, and not fear, is the biggest faith-killer.
Prayer is simply communication with God – talking and listening. Yet for many Christians, prayer doesn’t come easily. Here is some basic info on prayer and worship.
We are saved by believing in, that is, placing our faith and trust in, Jesus. But what does belief and faith really mean? John 2:24 gives us a clue.
How many people have come to Jesus driven by desperation? How many people have turned to Jesus because there was no other option left? This was the case for the royal official in John chapter 4.
Just as the barley loaves had satisfied the crowd’s physical hunger, Jesus promised to satisfy their spiritual hunger.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko