What does it mean to be made in the “image of God”?
In this article, I briefly explain what I think it means to be made in the image of God and why it doesn’t have much to do with either God’s gender or ours.
In this article, I briefly explain what I think it means to be made in the image of God and why it doesn’t have much to do with either God’s gender or ours.
What did Eve do to help Adam? Here are two very different views from three top scholars about Eve’s role as helper in Genesis 2.
Who will strike the serpent’s head? Some translations of Genesis 3:15 have “he,” “she,” “it,” or “they.” Is it us?
Does “a suitable helper for him” (ezer kenegdo) in Genesis 2:18-20 speak about a defining gender role for women? Are all women “helpers” of men?
I’ve highlighted the words for human, man, and woman in the Hebrew text of Gen. 2 to help non-Hebrew readers see that the first human in Eden was not necessarily male.
Some wise words from C.S. Lewis, Wayne A. Meeks, and John H. Walton about learning the biblical languages, especially New Testament Greek.
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
The fact that only men were permitted to serve as priests in the Old Testament is sometimes used to argue that women cannot be church leaders. There are several significant shortcomings in this argument.
Many people have had a narrow and lowly view of the meaning of “helper” (ezer) used for Eve in Genesis 2:18 & 20. How is ezer used elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko