Every Female Prophet in the Bible
Here’s a complete list of women identified as prophetesses in the Bible, with a note on each. There was a recognised place for such women in Israel.
Here’s a complete list of women identified as prophetesses in the Bible, with a note on each. There was a recognised place for such women in Israel.
Miriam is identified as a prophet and leader in the Bible, but some say her ministry was only to women. Was this the case? What does the Bible say?
It is remarkable that the witch of Endor, who dealt in the occult, is portrayed in a sympathetic light in 1 Samuel 28. What’s going on here?
Was there a difference between the ministries of male and female prophets in the Bible? Did male prophets minister publicly and female prophets privately?
Several ancient documents show that women were prominent ministers in the early church. Two such documents mention Theonoe and Myrte, prophetesses in the church at Corinth.
As I was making a list of Bible women who ministered to men, I saw something I had not noticed before. Almost all of these women had a prophetic gift.
Early church writers, such as Eusebius, acknowledged that Philip’s four daughters were well-respected famous prophets and they associated the women with apostles and bishops.
Abigail was a smart, strong, prophetic woman who wisely intervened between two rash and angry men.
King Lemuel’s mother is one of two women mentioned in Proverbs 31. These Bible women, and others, serve as inspiration for godly women who teach.
Jezebel of Thyatira is a teacher mentioned in Revelation 2:20ff. What does her example brings to discussions about women in ministry?
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko