A Quick Comparison of Genesis 3:16 and Genesis 4:7
Gen 3:16, about Eve, and Gen 4:7, about Cain, both contain the Hebrew words teshuqah (“desire”) and mashal (“rule”). Does 4:7 help us to understand 3:16?
Gen 3:16, about Eve, and Gen 4:7, about Cain, both contain the Hebrew words teshuqah (“desire”) and mashal (“rule”). Does 4:7 help us to understand 3:16?
Is the Hebrew word teshuqah, traditionally translated as “desire” in Genesis 3:16, better translated as “single-minded concentration” or “devotion”?
The Hebrew word teshuqah is usually translated as “desire” in Gen. 3:16: “your desire will be for your husband.” What does this mean?
The New Living Translation (NLT) seems supportive and inclusive of women because it often translates adelphoi as “brothers and sisters” but it promotes male authority.
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