A Close Look at Colossians 3:19 (Husbands)
Here I discuss Paul’s instructions to husbands in Col. 3:19. I look at this verse within the broader context of Colossians and explore what “bitter” means.
Here I discuss Paul’s instructions to husbands in Col. 3:19. I look at this verse within the broader context of Colossians and explore what “bitter” means.
Paul’s words to wives in Col. 3:18 contain a phrase that doesn’t occur elsewhere in the New Testament. What does it mean to submit “as is fitting in the Lord”?
The household codes in Eph. 5-6 and Col. 3-4 are not about gender but primarily about power and about mitigating abuse that often comes with power.
Tertullian wrote about equality and mutuality in marriage; he did not regard the household code in Ephesians as comprehensive or prescriptive.
Do husbands have a particular responsibility for the spiritual growth of their wives? Will husbands one day present their wives to Jesus?
When we read the NT household codes, we need to keep in mind that some “masters” were women. How does this affect our understanding of these passages?
Instructions for wifely submission and holy kisses are given in the NT five times each, but one concept is often emphasised while the other is usually ignored.
What are the timeless principles in Paul’s instruction in Titus 2:4-5? Why did he want the young wives at Crete to be workers (or keepers) at home?
Ephesians 5:22-33 is written as a chiasm with a highlighted point at the centre of the passage. We misinterpret this passage if we miss this main point.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko