Paul’s Theology of Ministry: 1 Tim. 3:2 and Priscilla
What did Paul mean when he said “husband of one wife”? What was Priscilla’s role in Ephesus and Rome? What is Paul’s overall theology of ministry and women?
What did Paul mean when he said “husband of one wife”? What was Priscilla’s role in Ephesus and Rome? What is Paul’s overall theology of ministry and women?
Here is more from a talk I gave on February 11. In part 2, I look at 1 Timothy 2:12 within its immediate context and within the context of First Timothy.
This is part 1 of a talk I gave recently which looks at Paul’s overall theology on ministry and the verses often used to limit women.
In this short blog post (less than 400 words), I address persistent and common misconceptions about Christian egalitarianism or mutualism.
Here’s a biblical defence for Christian egalitarianism, or mutuality, condensed to 500 words.
When we put Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 into practice, we honour all people equally. This means giving extra honour to those lacking it.
Some Christians have a mistaken view of our mutuality, or equality, in Christ. In this post, I briefly explain my perspective of Christian Egalitarianism
A short post on why Christian women, as well as Christian men, are sons of God. What does it mean to be an adopted son of God?
Gal. 3:28 isn’t only referring to our identity/ status before God. It’s also about our identity/ status in the Christian community (the church).
Here is a list of more than 25 roles of Bible women. These roles, or activities, helped God’s people and the women are not criticised in any way.
Ephesians 5:22-33 is written as a chiasm with a highlighted point at the centre of the passage. We misinterpret this passage if we miss this main point.
Many people have had a narrow and lowly view of the meaning of “helper” (ezer) used for Eve in Genesis 2:18 & 20. How is ezer used elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko