The Fullness of Christ
God doesn’t want us to be content with a lack lustre Christianity. He wants us to be partakers of his divine nature (2 Pet. 1:3-4) and live lives enriched and empowered by the fullness of Christ.
God doesn’t want us to be content with a lack lustre Christianity. He wants us to be partakers of his divine nature (2 Pet. 1:3-4) and live lives enriched and empowered by the fullness of Christ.
The first year or two of marriage can be bewildering, disappointing, and even painful, for some newlyweds. I offer this advice in the hope that it may prevent some conflict and heartache.
When we entrust our lives to Jesus, our eternal life begins. Our salvation is a done deal, or so it would seem. Is it really a case of instant christianity?
This essay takes a close look at James 2:14-26 and explores the link between genuine Christian faith and compassionate, ethical deeds.
Genuine faith in Jesus motivates our entire being. It moves our emotions, engages our mind, involves making decisions, and inspires our actions.
What is your main motivation for sharing with others the grace, hope, and salvation that comes through Jesus? My motivation is joy.
Many people feel trapped and suffer in situations beyond their control. How can we prosper and have success despite difficult and unpleasant circumstances? [300 words]
We need to discern the voices that are constantly presenting ideas, some of which may be opposed to God. Here are 4 ways to guard our hearts and minds.
Jesus did not come to make us “better” people or to give us a “better” life. He came so that we could become new, live a new life, experience a new day. [140 words]
David felt fear when people were seeking to kill him, but he also knew his God and had faith. Ignorance of God, and not fear, is the biggest faith-killer.
Becoming a Christian isn’t about following a set of rules or guidelines, or living by a set of values. Becoming a Christian means knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord, and having a relationship and connection with God.
Now that Jesus is in heaven and the Spirit has been sent as his replacement, following Jesus means being led by the Spirit.
God doesn’t need us to achieve his plans and purposes yet he chooses to use us as co-partners in his ministry. How do we partner with Jesus and discern his leading, his plans and his purposes?
Many people are hungry for the greatness, grandeur and glory of God. How can we experience and reflect God’s glory?
Would you like to support my ministry of encouraging mutuality and equality between men and women in the church and in marriage?
© 2022 Marg Mowczko