Jesus and the Bent-Over Woman (Luke 13:10–17)
In Luke 13:10–17, Jesus sets free a woman who had been disabled for 18 years. Click to see Barbara Schwarz’s painting and to read the story that inspired her artwork.
In Luke 13:10–17, Jesus sets free a woman who had been disabled for 18 years. Click to see Barbara Schwarz’s painting and to read the story that inspired her artwork.
Here’s a complete list of women identified as prophetesses in the Bible, with a note on each. There was a recognised place for such women in Israel.
Here are 12 blogs on Christian theology and biblical studies written by evangelical scholars who don’t push a complementarian or patriarchal agenda.
Tabitha (AKA Dorcas) is identified as a disciple and described as a generous supporter of the poor. What was her association with the widows of Joppa?
In this post, I look at Nympha, a Christian mentioned in Colossians 4:15. What was her association with Paul? What was her ministry? Where was her house church? Was she really a woman?
Craig Keener, Leon Morris, F.F. Bruce, and many more well-respected biblical scholars can hardly be accused of playing loose with the scriptures, but they all believed that suitably gifted women can be leaders and teachers in the church.
In Luke’s Gospel, some material is presented using male-female pairs to highlight the full and equal inclusion of women and men in God’s new covenant and community.
Watch Ben Witherington talk to Simon Smart from the Centre of Public Christianity about the revolutionary nature of Jesus’ and Paul’s treatment of women. [Video]
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