More Scary Women of Complementarianism
Mary Kassian recently posted an article on her website about “Scary Straw Women of Complementarity”. But she failed to mention two important women of complementarianism.
Mary Kassian recently posted an article on her website about “Scary Straw Women of Complementarity”. But she failed to mention two important women of complementarianism.
Mary Kassian claims that Complementarianism represents the Church’s “traditional, orthodox, historic belief” on gender. She must be reading different accounts of Church history to me.
In a 1995 article, Wayne Grudem ranked 83 ministries in order of decreasing authority. His lists reveal whether he really thinks men and women are equal.
Out of the almost 100 theologians and scholars who contributed to the ESV Study Bible not one of them was a woman. They were all men!
Is motherhood the highest calling for women? Is fatherhood the highest calling for men? What did Jesus have to say about this?
Is it logical to prohibit women from teaching grown men? What was the reason for Paul’s prohibition in 1 Timothy 2:12? Was it because Eve was deceived?
John addressed his second letter “to the chosen lady and to her children.” Who was this lady? Was she a mother, a church, or a house church leader?
Some Christians believe it is only men who are given spiritual authority by God. Yet in the Bible, God speaks to women and equips them for ministry.
This article looks at Priscilla and Aquila and explores Luke’s use of the Greek verb ektithēmi (“explain”) in Acts. Did Priscilla teach a man?
Do the qualifications for church leaders (i.e. overseers) in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 apply only to men? Do these verses exclude women from church leadership?
In this article, I show that some women in the NT functioned in the Ephesians 4:11 ministries of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher.
This article is about Junia—a minister mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:7—using and critiquing the ESV as a reference. Was Junia really a female apostle?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko