5 Flawed Ideas About “Headship” in Marriage
I repond to 5 flawed ideas I often hear as interpretations of Ephesians 5:22-33, including the “husband as decision-maker” idea.
I repond to 5 flawed ideas I often hear as interpretations of Ephesians 5:22-33, including the “husband as decision-maker” idea.
Does 1 Timothy 3:4a (“managing his own household well”) show that men, and not women, are to rule or manage their households? What was the role of the first church overseers and bishops?
The Greek word for “head” rarely, if ever, meant “leader” in works originally written in Greek in Paul’s time. Here are four facts that support this claim.
Is male headship and female submission the best way for husbands and wives who are in Christ to live by New Testament and New Creation principles?
Was Paul concerned about women’s hair or veils in ancient Corinth? Would he be concerned about it in 21st-century Sydney? I wrote this piece in response to teaching at the Equip 17 women’s conference.
Is the concept of “male headship” present in Genesis chapters 1-3 as some complementarians argue? How is the Hebrew word for “head” (rosh) used in these three chapters?
Andrew Perriman critiques the complementarian notion that Adam naming Eve displays man’s authority, or male headship, over woman.
Apartheid, slavery, and patriarchy are three social systems where one group of people is more powerful than the other group. Does God want these systems operating in the community of his people?
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 is a difficult passage to understand, but it makes more sense when read as a chiasm. What are Paul’s concerns and instructions here?
This is a critique of Mary Kassian’s article “Sex in the Shadowlands” in which she applies the word “head” to more than God, Jesus, and husbands.
Leviticus 19:3 says “Every one of you shall reverence his mother and father …” I decided to search for other verses that also mention “mother” first. Here’s what I found.
Ephesians 5:22-33 is written as a chiasm with a highlighted point at the centre of the passage. We misinterpret this passage if we miss this main point.
Does Paul’s statement in Ephesians 5:23, “the husband is the head of the wife,” mean that the husband has leadership or authority over his wife? And what about 1 Corinthians 11:3?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko