Being an ezer is not a gender role
I look at how the word ezer is used in the Hebrew Bible, including how it is used in people’s names in the Bible. And I show that being an ezer is not an especially feminine role or obligation.
I look at how the word ezer is used in the Hebrew Bible, including how it is used in people’s names in the Bible. And I show that being an ezer is not an especially feminine role or obligation.
What does “shekinah” mean for Christians? Is this concept in the Bible? What, if anything, does “shekinah” tell us about God’s gender?
Who will strike the serpent’s head? Some translations of Genesis 3:15 have “he,” “she,” “it,” or “they.” Is it us?
The Hebrew word teshuqah is usually translated as “desire” in Gen. 3:16: “your desire will be for your husband.” What does this mean?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko