Exploring the biblical theology of Christian egalitarianism

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Mosaic of Paul presenting Praxedes to Christ

Paul on Gender Roles in Ministry and Marriage

A few verses in Paul’s letters are frequently cited by Christians who exclude women from some ministries. Did Paul really restrict women in either ministry or marriage? This is part 3 of a series on gender roles in the Bible.

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feminism Christian egalitarianism church

Perhaps Feminism is not the Enemy

Michael Jensen: “It is no surprise to learn that many of the early feminists were evangelical Christians. … Feminism is a response to a deeper problem in human relations – not the problem itself.”

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Febe una diácono de la Iglesia en Cencrea

(5) Phoebe: Deacon of the Church in Cenchrea

In Part 5, I look at 1 Timothy 3:8-13, concerning male and female deacons in the Ephesian church, and at Phoebe as a prostatis (patron). I briefly compare her ministry with that of Olympias and also Stephanas (1 Cor. 16:15-18).

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authentein 1 Timothy 2:12

Authority in the Church

Many Christians are concerned with who has authority in the church and about whether a woman can have authority over a man. Who has authority in the church?

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Canaanite woman Matthew's Gospel

Why God is Sometimes Silent

Even though a Canaanite woman was crying out for help, Jesus didn’t say a word. Why was Jesus silent? And why does God sometimes seem silent and remote?

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1 Peter Bible Studies Margaret Mowczko

The Apostle Peter

Apart from Jesus, more is written about the apostle Peter than any other figure in the Gospels. Peter was devoted to Jesus and transformed by God.

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Did Priscilla Teach Apollos?

Did Priscilla Teach Apollos?

This article looks at Priscilla and Aquila and explores Luke’s use of the Greek verb ektithēmi (“explain”) in Acts. Did Priscilla teach a man?

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equality of men and women


Marg Mowczko is a wife, mother, grandmother, a student of the New Testament and early church history, and, most importantly, a follower of Jesus.

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