Were there Women at the Last Supper?
Did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper (Passover) with only the twelve male apostles? Were there any women present? What do the Gospels show?
Did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper (Passover) with only the twelve male apostles? Were there any women present? What do the Gospels show?
Mary the mother of James and Joseph/ Joses, also known as “the other Mary,” is mentioned 7 times in the Synoptic Gospels. What do we know about her?
Each of the four Gospels contains an account where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume. In this article, I compare these stories. How many times was Jesus anointed?
Salome was a follower of Jesus, a witness of his crucifixion and empty tomb. She is mentioned twice in the Bible but many more times in other early church documents.
Mary Magdalene was the herald of Jesus’s resurrection and of his impending ascension. After his resurrection, why did Jesus tell her, “Do not cling to me”?
Matthew 27:19 mentions Pontius Pilate’s wife and her dream about Jesus. What do we know of this woman? Was she a Jewish convert? A Christ-follower?
This article looks at Mary Magdalene, and especially at what “Magdalene” might mean. Does it refer to Mary’s home town? Was it her nickname? Does it imply she was a prostitute?
I had imagined that only a few women accompanied Jesus during his ministry and only a few witnessed his crucifixion and resurrection, but the Gospels state many women were with Jesus.
John the Evangelist chose his words carefully when describing the ministry of certain apostolic women in his Gospel, women such as Mary Magdalene. [500 words]
Mary and Martha of Bethany are well-known Bible figures whose characters are often polarized in the retelling of their story. What is the background of these women, their age, marital status, level of wealth?
Mary Magdalene and some other women knew a large stone had been rolled in front of the entrance to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been laid. They went to the tomb anyway. [300 words]
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