Every Female Prophet in the Bible
Here’s a complete list of women identified as prophetesses in the Bible, with a note on each. There was a recognised place for such women in Israel.
Here’s a complete list of women identified as prophetesses in the Bible, with a note on each. There was a recognised place for such women in Israel.
In part 2 I look at the sexual and maternal imagery in Jael’s story, and the deadly determination in her actions. What was motivating her? *This article mentions rape.
Jael is a popular Bible figure, famous for her brutal act of violence against Israel’s enemy. In part 1 (of 3), I look at her story as recorded in Judges 4.
Was there a difference between the ministries of male and female prophets in the Bible? Did male prophets minister publicly and female prophets privately?
There were powerful women in Bible times. Some were godly, others were not. This article looks especially at the Queen of Sheba and at Berenice who is mentioned in Acts.
Was Deborah the wife of Lappidoth or from a town called Lappidoth? Or does “lappidoth” signify something quite different? And where does the name “Deborah” come from?
Deborah in the Bible is described as a prophet and leader of Israel. Did God choose her because there were no suitable men available?
Some Christians believe it is only men who are given spiritual authority by God. Yet in the Bible, God speaks to women and equips them for ministry.
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko