Salome: Follower of Jesus and Myrrh Bearer
Salome was a follower of Jesus, a witness of his crucifixion and empty tomb. She is mentioned twice in the Bible but many more times in other early church documents.
Salome was a follower of Jesus, a witness of his crucifixion and empty tomb. She is mentioned twice in the Bible but many more times in other early church documents.
Miriam is identified as a prophet and leader in the Bible, but some say her ministry was only to women. Was this the case? What does the Bible say?
When we understand “preaching” words in the way New Testament authors used these words, we see that some New Testament women preached.
Here is a list of over a dozen early and medieval scholars who took Junia’s name in Romans 16:7 to be feminine. Junia was a woman and not Junias, a man.
Here’s some information about Marcella of Rome (325–410), friend of Jerome, who dedicated her considerable talents and resources to serving the church and helping the poor.
Matthew 27:19 mentions Pontius Pilate’s wife and her dream about Jesus. What do we know of this woman? Was she a Jewish convert? A Christ-follower?
Eve, Delilah, Bathsheba, Mary Magdalene, and the Samaritan woman have often been thought of as immoral. What’s with that? This article looks at the Samaritan woman without negative prejudices.
In Part 2, I look at what Romans 16:1–2 in the ancient Latin texts say about Phoebe. These indicate she was recognised as an official deacon (or deaconess).
Here are some misogynistic quotations from well-known church fathers, theologians and reformers that do not reflect what the Bible says about women.
God is often referred to with masculine pronouns and masculine terms in the Bible. Does this mean God is male or masculine?
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© 2022 Marg Mowczko