2017 was an interesting year for my website. In July, it got a new look and a new name because the old look and the old name “New Life” weren’t adequately reflecting what was happening on the site.
Over the past years, my articles on topics related to the equality of men and women in Christ have increased and they outnumber articles on other topics. Also, with the exception of a post on the King James Bible, my posts on equality receive many more visitors than other posts. So I wanted my website to reflect a focus on equality. I don’t intend to stop thinking about, and writing on, other biblical topics, though.
I found the change more stressful than I’d like to admit, and I’m generally not a worrier. I lost all my Google rankings, all my email subscribers, all of my posts’ Facebook shares (which reset to zero), and, for several weeks, the number of visitors to my website was depressingly low. But, in the last few months, my rankings have crept back up and they are almost the same as before. And I have more email subscribers than before the change!
Please consider subscribing. There’s a “subscribe” field on the Home page.
My visitor numbers are not quite what they were before, but that may be for a few reasons, one reason being that I’m not posting as much as in other years. This year, I only posted 25 times, which is a low-ish number for me. I imagine this number will be about the same in 2018, as I feel I’ve exhausted some topics. But, who knows?
Top Ten Posts
Because of the change, I’ve lost all my statistics from before July 17th 2017, but these were the top ten, most viewed, posts for the second half of 2017.
- 7 things you may not know about the King James Bible comes in at number 1. It’s a perennial favourite and received over 35,000 visits, or page-views, in the past 6 months.
- Mujeres de la Biblia con Autoridad Espiritual is one of the Spanish translations on my website that does well. It received over 17,500 visits.
- 25 Biblical Roles for Biblical Women received just under 15,500 visits.
- 4 Facts that show “head” does not mean leader in 1 Corinthians 11:3 was posted on the new site in August 2017, and has received 15,000 visits since then.
- Abigail: A Bible Women with Beauty and Brains is another perennial favourite and it received over 14,000 visits.
- Abigail: Una Mujer de la Biblia Bella y con Cerebro also received over 14,000 visits.
- Mary Consoles Eve received over 13,000 visits.
- A Suitable Helper (in Hebrew) received over 11,000 visits.
- Proving Jesus is God from Old Testament Scripture received just under 10,000 visits.
- New Testament Women Church Leaders received over 9,000 visits.
Top Cities and Top Countries
One of the joys of having a website is that I can connect with people from cities across the globe, and vice versa. Admittedly, most of my readers come from my home town of Sydney, Australia, but the next highest number of visitors to my site come from the city of Lagos in Nigeria. On some days and weeks, I have more visitors from Lagos than from any other city on the planet, even more than from Sydney. “Hello” to my Nigerian readers.
The top 10 countries are the USA, Australia, the UK, Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, India, the Philippines, Mexico, and Colombia, with thousands of visits in the past few months from Kenya and Ghana as well.
Screenshot from Google Analytics showing statistics from July 17 to December 31.
In summary, in the last 6 months, over 165,500 different people (or different computers, to be more precise) have visited my site, some visiting several times, and they’ve viewed, in total, almost 560,000 pages.
I hope you’ll continue the journey with me in 2018—on Facebook, Twitter, or as a subscriber—as I continue to explore the biblical theology of Christian egalitarianism.
Happy New Year!
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9 thoughts on “My Top Ten Posts in 2017”
Happy New Year from Canberra, Marg.
Thanks for all your posts. It is inspirational to see how far flung your readership has become.
Happy New Year, Anne. <3
Very happy new year from Texas! I just love you and am so grateful that I’m not alone in my confusion over the issues you cover. Because of sites like yours, I know that many Christian women and men are thinking those same thoughts and finding support and answers. I’m committing in 2018 to pray that God will make the truth plain to his whole church, the world over, and that we will live as the mutually freed and loved family members of God in Christ.
Thank you, Debbie, and Happy New Year!
It’s always reassuring to know you’re not the only one. 🙂
I’m praying for this too!
Am blessed to be finding you literally out of the blue, Ms. Marg… a very interesting person!
I am not a particularly religious fellow, in fact, I had no childhood parental guidance at all on the subject. What I do know from my sixty-some years of living is that Mother Nature is a little closer to reality than all of the imaginary threads that propagate throughout each of the belief systems.
The King James’ Bible, apparently created by several monks from scraps of disintegrating parchment, is filled with stories and memes that can be used to “advise” ignorance. Today’s world no longer needs such guidance, barring uneducated folk…
Thanks again for sharing!
Hi Don,
Please to “meet” you. How did you come by my website?
By the way, the King James Bible was essentially a reworking of the Bishop’s Bible, first published in 1568, but translators also consulted Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, as well as printed texts, which were not in such bad condition. (Various books and letters and sections of the Bible, have been copied and recopied numerous times throughout the centuries on fresh papyri and parchment.)
Ms. Marg, I found you when I was trying to ascertain the development and release dates for the KJB, using Google search for “king james bible creation by monks” where you’re 2nd on their list… my “scraps of disintegrating parchment” thread isn’t really true (of course!) but the idea’s consistent 😉 Thanks again!
Thanks for replying. That’s interesting to know.
Hi Marg!
I’m enjoying your blog so much. With everything that’s been happening in the world, the meaning of male and female have been knocking in my mind and, of course, I ran to the source: Genesis 1,2,3. I found your blog today. Your article back in 2013 helped me so much to start to understand why different words in Hebrew were used. I can’t wait to dig dipper into your other articles. By the way, I’m 26. I don’t know, but maybe it might be good to know that you are reaching and helping my generation too (the so-called millennials). God bless you and please keep posting. You are a light in this world. Thank you!