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Rule Over You? (Hebrews 13)

“Remember them which have the rule over you …” Hebrews 13:7 KJV
“Obey them that have the rule over you …” Hebrews 13:17 KJV
“Salute all them that have the rule over you …” Hebrews 13:24 KJV

It should go without saying that Christian leaders in the church are not, or should not be, rulers. They do not have authority over the lives of capable brothers and sisters in Christ. But these three verses in Hebrews 13 seem to say that church leaders are rulers.

The Greek word hēgeomai used in these verses does not always mean “rule” with the strong sense conveyed in the KJV. And other verses in the Greek New Testament say nothing that indicates Christian leadership is about having rule over, or having authority over, fellow believers. The KJV translators have added the word “over” in the three phrases quoted above.

“Them that have the rule over you” in the King James Version is an overly strong translation of the Greek word hēgeomai that does not reflect Jesus’s or Paul’s teachings on ministry in the church, including the ministry of leaders.

However, in the margin of the first edition of the King James Bible (1611), the translators have noted that “have the rule” in Hebrews 13:7 can be translated as “are the guides.” And “have the rule” in Hebrews 13:17 can be translated simply as “guide.” There is no margin note for Hebrews 13:24. (The KJV 1611 margin notes can be read here.) The translators of the KJV acknowledged a “softer” translation option of hēgeomai.

Obey your Leaders? (Hebrews 13:17)

Furthermore, the word traditionally translated as “obey” in Hebrews 13:17, peithō, often means “persuade” (in the active voice) or “be persuaded” (in the passive voice). Peithō can also convey the ideas of “confidence” or “trust,” because if you are persuaded by someone or something, you usually have confidence and trust in that person or thing. In Hebrews 13:17, the verb is a plural imperative in the middle voice (peithesthe) and I translate it as “be confident.”

The Greek verb peithō is used four times in the book of Hebrews in various conjugations. It occurs in Hebrews 2:13 (KJV: “put my trust”), in Heb. 6:9 (KJV: “we are persuaded”), Heb. 13:18 (KJV: “we trust”), as well as the previous verse, Heb. 13:17 where it is translated this one time as “obey”: “Obey them that have the rule over you …” The KJV translators have chosen to translate peithō as “obey” only in the verse in the Hebrews which is about church leadership, not in the other three verses.

The verb peithō and the related adjective are sometimes connected with the idea of obedience. For example, on his deathbed, emperor Marcus Aurelius used an analogy of slaves who are obedient after being ‘won over’ (peithous) by their master rather than being obedient from coercion or compulsion. He applied the analogy to his subjects. [See The Communings with Himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, edited and translated by C. R. Haines (Loeb Classical Library; London: W. Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916), 354–355. (Internet Archive)] But even here, the word does not mean “obey.”

In Hebrews 13:17, peithō is connected with the idea of submission and deference. In the second phrase of Hebrews 13:17 is the Greek verb epeikō (“submit, yield”). This word is used only here in the New Testament and more clearly means “submit” than hypotassō which is often translated as “submit” and is used elsewhere in the NT in various contexts.

Other English Translations of Hebrews 13:17

A few recent translations have broken with tradition in their rendering of Hebrews 13:17a. For example, the Common English Bible has, “Rely on your leaders …” (CEB). The 2011 edition of the New International Version has, “Have confidence in your leaders …” (2011). The International Standard Version has, “Continue to follow … your leaders (ISV). (Italics added).

In whatever way we understand the word of Hebrews 13:17, as with all instructions in the Bible, this verse should be implemented with wisdom, common sense, and kindness, and not followed mindlessly.

Jesus taught and demonstrated that Christian ministry is not about ruling or exercising authority over others. It’s about humbly serving each other. And we should all submit to, that is, cooperate, support, and join with those who are faithfully serving God and his people (cf. 1 Cor. 16:16).

Be confident in those who guide you, and submit [to them], for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief (literally: groaning), for that would be unprofitable for you (cf. Heb. 13:17 KJV).

© Margaret Mowczko 2013
Last edited July 2024
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Excerpt from Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet (1852–56) by Ford Madox Brown. Wikimedia: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jesus_washing_Peter%27s_feet.jpg

Postscript: April 15, 2023

Here’s a screenshot of how the HCSB translates peithō. The screenshot is taken from the Logos Bible Study App and was shared in an interesting Twitter conversation here. (Note that the HCSB is not an English Bible translation that I favour.)

Explore more

Authority in the Church
Jesus on Leadership and Community
7 Lessons from the Ministry of Stephanas (1 Cor. 16:15–18)
Bible Women with Spiritual Authority
Paul’s Masculine and Feminine Leadership
My articles on submission are here.
My articles on kephalē (“head”) are here.
My articles on Paul’s Theology of Ministry are here.
My articles tagged Equality in Ministry are here.
My articles on apostles in the New Testament are here.
Paul’s Thanks – Philippians 1:3–6 

Wade Burleson (pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Enid, Oklahoma) has taken a brief look at authority in the church, and the history of the word ekklesia (“congregation, church”), in his article entitled Who’s the Boss at Your Church?

In this video, Wade Burleson explains that there is no Greek word for “over” in the verses about church leaders in Hebrews chapter 13. My article Authority in the Church covers some of the same ground as the video.

Only Servants and No Masters (Hebrews 13:7) from Emmanuel Enid on Vimeo.

10 thoughts on “A Note on Hebrews 13:17

  1. Really enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing! Loving your other articles on authority too!

  2. That was mostly quite good. I’m still sorting it out, but for now ISTM he’s doing some cherry-picking in regard to “hegeomai,” and in regard to English derivatives. In regard to the latter, the English “hegemon” is *very* strong in its sense of dominance and authority.

    NT usage seems pretty varied.

    1. Hēgeomai has a range of strengths. At one end of the spectrum, it is the strongest word used in the context of Christian leadership in the Greek New Testament, but the idea of ruling people or having dominance is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught and demonstrated.

      So either 1. the author of Hebrews got it wrong when he used the word hēgeomai for church leaders, or 2. he simply meant leaders, not rulers. I’m going with the second option.

      Needless to say, loan words in the English language from Greek aren’t a reliable indicator of a word’s various senses and forces.

      For example, “despot” is a loan word that conveys a particularly harsh sense, even a brutal sense, in English. We would never call God a “despot,” but he is addressed as despota (Lord, Master) a few times in the Bible without any sense of harshness or despotism.

      1. On the “loan words” thing — Of course. I brought it up because (1) the word was already floating around in my mind because of news reports about President Xi’s ambitions to be a world “hegemon,” and (2) because Pastor Burleson invoked other English derivatives of the word.

        I wonder if it’s possible that different NT churches had different leadership structures.

  3. Hebrews 13:17 is a verse that has been used to justify authoritarian leadership in a church. This is a key verse to ask about when looking for a church as to how they understand it. How I understand it is as follows: Joining a church means some kind of commitment and my commitment to the leader(s) is that I will take seriously whatever they officially teach and investigate further if I have questions and see if they can persuade me about what they are teaching; but if I am not persuaded, so be it (as I am ultimately responsible for my own faith). But that is much too long to put into a translation.

    1. When I took N.T. Greek (that was about 50 years ago now!), I came to the same conclusion of of being convinced by them not because they are the leaders, but because I went to a church where the leaders were trustworthy. And if they went somewhere on a major doctrine that I wasn’t convinced of, it was time to either be prophetic or go elsewhere. For example, I come from a charismatic background originally but because so many charismatics have gotten into teaching I can’t go along with, I haven’t attended a charismatic church in almost 30 years even though I do practice spiritual gifts.

  4. Wade Burleson, who is now retired from pastoring in Enid, also has written a longer study of this topic. The title is “Fraudulent Authority” and it is self-published and sold on Amazon in kindle and paperback versions. I have read it and learned much from it. This was published in 2016.

    1. The article by Wade Burleson entitled Who’s the Boss at Your Church?” is no longer available at the link in your post. I have done some searching and not found a new location on a website, with one exception. I searched at the internet archive website, and it does have the page saved numerous times from various dates. The most recent page in the archive wassaved January 30, 2023, and has the full article. https://web.archive.org/web/20230130044823/http://www.wadeburleson.org/2013/02/whos-boss-at-your-church.html

      1. Thanks for hunting this down, Robert. I’ll fix the link.

  5. […] A Note on Hebrews 13:17 (“Obey them that rule over you”) […]

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