This article is available in Spanish here.
There is one verse in the Bible that prohibits a woman in Ephesus from teaching and from exercising some kind of control over a man. One verse.
On the other hand, there are many Bible verses that show godly women who did teach or who exercised an authority that was beneficial for a particular person, or for a community, or for an entire nation. In this post, I briefly mention 15 such women. These 15 women are reasons why I believe God has no problem whatsoever with gifted and capable women who serve his people by teaching or leading. They are 15 reasons why I support women in church leadership.[1]
1. Deborah
Deborah was an excellent and versatile leader. She was a matriarch, a prophetess, a judge, and a military leader (Judges 4–5). Deborah’s prophetic insight was accurate and she showed decisive leadership in military matters. Her words have been preserved in scripture and thus have the authority of Scripture.
I have more on Deborah, here and here.
2. Sheerah
Sheerah built, or founded, three towns (1 Chron. 7:24). She must have been a wealthy and influential woman who exercised leadership in achieving this. One of the towns she built even bears her name: Uzzen Sheerah.
More on Sheerah and two other lesser-known Bible women, here.
3. Huldah
When Josiah, king of Judah, wanted to learn more about how to worship and obey God, he sent a delegation of his most important men to a woman for advice, the prophetess Huldah (2 Kings 22:8–20; 23:1–25; 2 Chron. 34:19–33). As well as speaking in the name of the LORD, Huldah authenticated the newly rediscovered book of the law as being holy scripture.
More on Huldah, here.
4. The Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah
Wise women were living repositories of oral lore and tradition. The Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah was the spokesperson of her city and a person of influence when her city was under threat. Through her wise leadership and peaceful negotiation, she rescued her city from being destroyed by the commander of King David’s army. (See 2 Samuel 20:14ff, especially v. 22.)
5. King Lemuel’s Mother
King Lemuel’s mother taught her son who was a grown man and a king. Her words were considered inspired and are preserved in scripture. Her wise words continue to teach grown men, even kings, and are just as timely today as they were in her day (Prov. 31:1ff).
More on King Lemuel’s mother, here.
6. Anna
Anna’s life was devoted to God. She spent all her time in the temple in Jerusalem, praying and fasting. And she spoke to all, men as well as women, who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem (Luke 2:36–38). There was a respected place for female prophets in Israel and early Judaism.
More on Anna and other prophetesses in the Bible, here.
7. Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene was a faithful disciple of Jesus. She was the first person to see Jesus alive, and she was the first person entrusted with the amazing message of the resurrection. Jesus himself charged Mary to tell his “brothers” or “siblings” (Greek: adelphoi) the news that he was alive (John 20:17–18).
More on Mary Magdalene, here and here.
8. Lydia
Lydia is the only Philippian Christian named in Acts 16 and was involved in the birthing of the Philippian church. Lydia was likely a leader of the fledgling church and one of the people who preserved Paul’s apostolic teaching in the critical early days once Paul and his team had moved on (Acts 16:13–15, 40).
More on Lydia, here.
9–10. Euodia and Syntyche
These two women were ministers in the church at Philippi (Phil. 4:2–3). Paul speaks well of them and describes their ministry by using some of the same terms he had previously applied to Timothy and Epaphroditus in the same letter. Chrysostom believed that these women were the chief figures of the Philippian church.
More on Euodia and Syntyche, here.
11. Priscilla
Priscilla, along with her husband Aquila, led a church that met in their home in Ephesus and later in Rome (1 Cor. 16:19 cf. Acts 18:1–3, 18–19; Rom. 16:3–4; 2 Tim. 4:19a). On one occasion Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos, an educated, up-and-coming teacher and apostle; they taught him about the doctrine of Christian baptism (Acts 18:24–26). And Priscilla’s name is first in a list of 28 Roman Christians. First!
More on Priscilla, here.
12. Phoebe
Phoebe is described warmly by Paul as “our sister,” as a minister or deacon (Greek: diakonos) of the church at Cenchrea, and as a patron of many, including Paul. Phoebe was the person entrusted with taking Paul’s letter to the Romans (Rom. 16:1–2). She may have funded the expensive process of writing the letter too. Paul obviously held her in high regard.
More on Phoebe, here.
13. Junia
Junia and her partner Andronicus were active in ministry and in Romans 16:7, Paul states a few of their credentials. They were fellow Jews, they had suffered for their faith and been in prison with Paul, they had been Christians longer than him, and they were outstanding among the apostles or missionaries (Greek: apostoloi).
More on Junia, here.
14. Nympha
Nympha hosted a church in Laodicea that met in her home (Col. 4:15 NIV). No other individual in her church is sent greetings in the closing verses of Colossians. This seems to indicate she was the leader who cared for the church.
More on Nympha, here.
15. The Chosen Lady
This woman was a Christian leader of a house church in Asia Minor. John wrote a letter to her which is included in the canon of the New Testament (2 John 1ff).
More about this real woman, here.
Other New Testament women who could be included in this list are Mary of Nazareth, Mary of Jerusalem, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Philip’s daughters, Chloe of Corinth, Claudia of Rome, Apphia, Persis, Mary of Rome, Tryphena and Tryphosa, Julia, etc.
Women taught and prophesied. They spoke inspired messages. They were “proprietors” who hosted and cared for congregations in their homes. They worked hard and risked their lives for the gospel and for their communities. And their communities were blessed because of them. Women leaders and ministers were not regarded as aberrations in Bible times and they should not be regarded as aberrations now.
[1] This post is based on, and adapted from, an idea of Rachel Held Evans.
Fractio Panis (“Breaking Bread”) is a second or third-century fresco in the Greek Chapel of the Catacomb of Priscilla, Rome. The fresco depicts seven people, perhaps all women, sharing a funerary or eschatological banquet, though some have suggested they are sharing the Eucharist (e.g., Dorothy Irvin, “The Ministry of Women in the Early Church: The Archaeological Evidence,” Duke Divinity School Review 45.2 (1980), 76–86).
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Partnering Together: Paul’s Female Coworkers
1 Timothy 2:12, the created order, and men in the Bible who were guided by godly women
25+ Biblical Roles for Biblical Women
Interpretations and Application of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Paul’s Theology of Ministry
An Annotated List of the 29 People in Romans 16:1-16
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24 thoughts on “15 reasons why I support women in church leadership”
There is also one verse which says “thou shalt not murder”. So don’t do that either!
Deborah was a reluctant leader who agreed to lead but only because the weak man wouldn’t.
Anna was a prophetess but quite a long bow to suggest she did “teach men and exercise authority” – she was inspired by the Holy Spirit!
The Chosen Lady was a code word for the church, not a specific person, as it was too dangerous for John to name names at that time.
Euodia and Syntyche also gained the nicknames Odious and Soon-touchy – I wouldn’t hold them up too high in support of your argument!
Why can’t you accept that leadership is in accordance with the plans of God, that is, “man is the a image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.”
Hi Nadia.
There are numerous verses in the Bible which state “Thou shalt not murder.” Lots of them! For example, Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17, pretty much all of Numbers chapter 35, Matthew 5:21-22, 19:18, Mark 10:19, and James 2:11.
Plus there are many more verses that speak of murder as being evil, etc.
But there is only one verse in the entire Bible which says that a woman isn’t allowed to teach or authentein a man. I haven’t written about this verse in the article above as I already have several articles on 1 Timothy 2:12 elsewhere on this website. But briefly, the Greek word usually translated as “to have authority” in 1 Timothy 2:12 (authentein) refers to an unhealthy, selfish, domineering control.
More on 1 Timothy 2:12 here:
I maintain it is unsound to base any doctrine on just one verse of Scripture. And the overall message of the Bible is that gifted women can teach (anyone) and exercise spiritual authority.
Deborah: I’m not sure why you think Deborah was a reluctant leader. But even if she was, there were plenty of reluctant leaders in the Scriptures: Moses, Saul, Gideon, Jonah, etc. The fact remains that Deborah was a leader.
Anna: I agree Anna was inspired by the Holy Spirit. In fact I believe genuine authority in ministry can only come, ultimately, from the Holy Spirit.
Anna spoke “to all who were waiting for the redemption (or deliverance) of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38). Surely this “all” included men as well as women. She was giving these people insight and information. She was teaching them. She was teaching theology.
As a respected and pious prophetess who had seen the Messiah with her own eyes, Anna and her words would have been influential and significant, otherwise Luke would not have bothered mentioning Anna and her speaking ministry in his Gospel.
The Chosen Lady: If “the chosen lady” is a code word for a church, then who are her children (2 John 1:1, 4)? If the chosen lady is a congregation, and her children are a congregation, then John is greeting the same group of people twice in a peculiar way.
And why does John sometimes address a single person in his letter (using singular Greek pronouns), and at other times writes about “plural” people (using plural Greek pronouns)?
Plus, there are lots of letters that survive from ancient times that are addressed to kyria (“lady”), the same Greek word as in 2 John. It was the equivalent of addressing a letter “Dear Madam.”
The Greek grammar and vocabulary of 2 John does not support the code word theory. I maintain that the chosen lady was a real woman and a church leader.
I encourage you to look at some of these articles:
Euodia and Syntyche: I have never heard these nicknames of Euodia and Syntyche. They sound incredibly disrespectful to me, even rude. Are you willing to call these women these names to their faces? Paul only said good things about Euodia and Syntyche, and I intend following his lead.
Judging by the etymology of their names, Euodia means either “sweet fragrance” or “prosperous journey” and Syntyche means “fortunate.”
Image of God: I am saddened you believe that only men are made in the image and glory of God, very sad. The Bible says that both men and women were originally created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-28), and all of us, both men and women, who are contemplating the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory (2 Cor. 3:18).
Woman may be the glory of man, but we also bear God’s image and glory just like our brothers. I have more on the verse you quoted, 1 Corinthians 11:7, and Paul’s response to it, here:
1 Corinthians 11:7 is given in the contet of ministry. All of 1 Corinthans 11:2-16 is about men and women who were praying and prophesying–they were doing the same things–and Paul doesn’t silence these people.
Nadia, I truly hope you will find a church where they teach and demonstrate that men and women equally bear God’s image.
Hi Marg,
I found the title of this article quite confronting, and it caused me to think, and I thank you for that.
With respect, in my opinion your 15 reasons are actually only one reason with 15 examples (+ more!). The exaggeration of the reasoning in the title for your case is uncanny – the intellectual rigour of your position should not warrant it.
I feel that the use of Women in the bible by God, for his purposes, in positions of leadership or teaching, does not logically give them the authority to teach or have authority over a man.
Does the use of men in the same way give them authority to teach and minister? No. That is not where their authority comes from.
If you disagree (as you must) you run into some problems – which lead to unhelpful, and also pointless reasoning/justifications: one of which is;
There are MANY more accounts of men who served God in positions of leadership and authority – and as teachers.
– If we accept your 15 examples as giving weight to your argument, we must allow the many more accounts of men doing the same things to give substantial weight to the idea that God wanted a male dominated heirachy in churches.
This inherently implies men are generally more suited to leadership and teaching roles in churches -> and this implies a DIFFERENCE in the general capacity of men and women to lead -> this in turn conflicts with the claim that God wants positions that could be filled by men who are capable (and have a natural bias towards this capacity – perhaps, intended role?) to be filled with exceptional women; why? there’s no general inherent reason to want the women involved in leadership at all – in the ideal world there should be enough men.
I understand that you are not directly arguing for an equal gender distribution in church leadership, rather, that you want the women who can lead to be at least allowed to go for the job! But the former argument is just a natural progression of the latter. If women are allowed into positions of leadership and teaching – and this is supported biblically – why should there be a male dominated heirachy? Ah, but, there are more examples of male leadership in bible…and so on it goes.
– You could argue that because the bible was written in male dominated societies, God wasn’t able to show clearly in the bible – an inspired collection of writings – enough stories of women teaching and leading to balance out the equation like it should be – effectively saying God can’t write his own bible – which neither of us agree with.
– Perhaps a possible conclusion would be to follow the exact percentage of authority gifted by these stories to either men or women in their pursuit of teaching/leadership.
This is wasted intellectual effort – what is more important to God? Our salvation? Or the exact percentage of genders in church leadership?
I feel it unlikely that God really wants to show in the bible that equal gender distribution in church leadership is an important issue – and so it seems non-sensical to make it one, especially under the cover of promoting God’s kingdom.
This post is not promoting the above, but rather, subtlely, a flagrant violation of the natural order that the bible does speak of, and imply;
For instance, there can only be one leader in a relationship – and that is the man. Would God truly say to a woman, be submissive in a relationship, but take the reins at church?
‘The husband is the head of the wife…’ implies leadership, NOT in-equality (This is a another whole post, essentially I see that our roles, and what we do or achieve in life, do NOT make us any less or more equal; our equality lies in our identity – male and female both being human and made in the image of God. If you don’t disagree with this, the use of the word equality doesn’t make sense as a justification for women in leadership/teaching.)
The brokenness of this world, and the imperfection of men (which is huge!) is not a good enough reason for women to try and take hold of positions of authority or teaching in the church. The moment that you strive for less than the ideal model God wants, you admit that you are striving for something less than God’s plan for humanity – is that not sin?
I hold Women in the highest regard. I just wish they’d stop themselves getting in the way of men loving them as they (men) are called to do by God.
‘Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave his life for [Her]’.
This is something that all men should strive for; perhaps if we did a better job, that infamous verse ‘Wives submit yourselves to your husbands’ wouldn’t be so hard to take.
I’m keen to read your response, but I have to get up for work! Much love in Christ,
God Bless you 🙂
Kind Regards, J
Thank you for this article. It is always good to be reminded how God’s word tells us that He used both men and women to accomplish His purposes. Also, I appreciate your kind but firm response to Nadia. I too hope that she finds a church that recognizes that God uses both men and women and that we all are indeed image bearers of the Most High.
Odious and Soon-touchy seem to be very modern sounding. I googled but was unable to find the origins of these two names. Name calling is never acceptable and it is especially not acceptable for Christians to call Paul’s fellow workers whose real names are written in the book of life such rude names.
Hi J,
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I can see that you hold women in the highest regard, unlike poor Nadia.
As you are aware, I am certainly not saying that men can’t minister. All I am saying is that women can be ministers. So the fact that there are more examples of men than women teaching and exercising authority (which is hardly surprising considering the patriarchal culture of the time) doesn’t affect the point of my article.
The 15 women in the article show that women leading/ teaching God’s people was not an anomaly. The whole counsel of the Bible, particularly the New Testament, does not prohibit women from church leadership.
I agree with your point that: “the use of women in the Bible by God, for his purposes, in positions of leadership or teaching, does not logically give them … authority over a man.” I would add that it also doesn’t give them authority over a woman. Likewise, the use of men in the Bible by God, for his purposes, in positions of leadership or teaching, does not logically give them authority over a man or a woman.
Ministers in the church, in the body of Christ, do not have authority over another capable adult believer. The word “over” is absent in every New Testament verse that speaks about godly leadership. More on this here.
The authorisation and gifting to minister, in whatever capacity, comes from the Holy Spirit and is an authority to serve, not wield authority over fellow believers.
Even if, as you say, men are generally more suited to leadership in the church, this does not rule out the possibility, and the reality, that God also wants women to lead his people. Leadership is not a defining masculine trait. Not all men and women are gifted to lead. But some men and women are clearly gifted in that area.
Another point to consider is that God wanted (and wants) his people to be led in a motherly way, and not just a fatherly way. More on this here.
My post is not trying to promote a flagrant violation of the natural order of gender roles, subtle or otherwise. Rather, most of the posts on my website hopefully show that a gender hierarchy and neatly prescribed gender roles have nothing whatsoever to do with new creation, New Covenant relationships in the body of Christ. There is no natural order of gender in the new creation. Rather, this concept of gender comes straight from Greek philosophy and has unfortunately been borrowed by the church.
I disagree that in a relationship there can only be one leader. I have several friendships where no one is the leader. Moreover, my friends and relatives would be concerned and horrified if I suddenly acted as if I was the leader and vice versa. A larger organisation needs a leader but a relationship of only two or a few people does not.
A marriage of two competent people does not need one person to always be the leader. “Head” implies leadership in English. But it didn’t to the Ephesians and Corinthians. More on this here.
Submission is necessary in healthy relationships. Peter and Paul told wives to be submissive to their husbands, but they also told husbands to be submissive to their wives. They just used different words. A husband who loves his wife as he loves himself, and gives himself up for his wife, is being submissive to her, and more. Mutual submission is the New Covenant ideal (Eph 5:21; 1 Pet 5:5 NKJV). More here:
Wisdomchaser: Thanks for your comments. Yes, I’ve never heard of those nicknames for Euodia and Syntyche. They are childish and rude.
In Judges 4:4, when Deborah is introduced to us, there is no indication that she was a ‘reluctant leader’. In any case, there are plenty of OT prophets who were reluctant – God did not excuse them.
The context in which she may have been ‘reluctant’ is that of battle, not leadership. This does not indicate that women cannot or should not lead in battle, either – just that God had called Barak to do that job in this particular instance (we can speculate as to why – but speculation is all it is). Barak was called under Deborah’s leadership, she was the one given the instructions from God himself.
Furthermore, if God really intended for women not to lead he would have raised up a man to do so, and not chosen ‘second best’ in the absence of one. There are plenty of OT prophets who were reluctant. A God who breaks His own rules – I don’t think so!
You also said: “Anna was a prophetess but it’s quite a long bow to suggest she did “teach men and exercise authority” – she was inspired by the Holy Spirit!” I counter that that argument plays both ways – it is also a ‘long bow’ to suggest that Anna did not teach men/exercise authority. We simply don’t know, but her status as a prophet certainly suggests that she may have.
J – Marg has been very gracious with you. Your entire comment is based on nothing but assumption through your cultural lense.
I think J gets is exactly backwards. The oppressors wonder if the oppressed want to be oppressors. This puts the oppressed in a supposedly Catch 22 type situation. If they speak up for injustice, the oppressors can claim they are just power seeking. What a bunch of hooey.
A believer is to work for justice. Those that do not, are not acting like believers should act.
The church is being crippled by those that want only men in leadership. Jesus said the workers are few and some men want to divide that by two. Do not let them do it.
In case others are not aware, the SBC is losing members and I think this is partially because of their arrogant stance on women.
J, we have very different views of authority in the church. Godly authority is not something that can be wielded; it is not a right or power over another person. I am most definitely not speaking about the type of authority you mention in your comment. J. You’re very welcome to leave more comments if you wish, but please read this article before you do.
A person who has been truly authorised by God to minister (i.e. serve) is someone who has been called, gifted and blessed by God to function as a minister (i.e. servant). I do not limit myself, or anyone else to “minister-ship” (or to any function, title, or position) because I do not limit God. God can choose to use anyone for his purposes, in whatever way he chooses.
I am not fighting. I am providing information. I do not fight people (Eph 6:12). The only one who can change hearts and minds, one way or the other, is the Holy Spirit.
If I was a man trying to open doors for women, would you mistrust my motives? Or if I was a woman trying to open doors for a man would you mistrust my motives?
I find it very strange that you say that “This article’s position has imbibed a core societal value of today.” All I have done is provide snippets of information from the Bible about women who lived, and who led in some way, thousands of years ago — we’re talking millennia here.
There is no doubt in my mind that God wants men and women to be ministering together, sharing their unique gifts, abilities, temperaments and perspectives. We need both men and women in ministry, we need both in leadership. Just as a family benefits when it is led by both father and mother (God’s intention), congregations benefit when they are led by men and women working together.
I’m thinking 🙂
Well, i have one concern about the leaders (woman) why they are not covering their heads in western countries. bible clearly shows us.
Thanks for your comment Andrews.
The only verse (in the entire Bible) that some think mentions this is 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, but it is unclear whether Paul is speaking about hairstyles or head coverings. Moreover, Paul ends this passage by saying that “we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.” (1 Cor. 11:16 KJV)
I’ve written more about 1 Cor. 11:2-6 here:
And I’ve written more about head coverings here:
Marg, thanks so much for this great list. As usual, you’ve pinpointed so much and so succinctly.
Interesting to note that if King Lemuel is Solomon, then his mother is… Bathsheba. Seemed she had increasing wisdom as she grew older.
Didn’t God create us all equal? Take a close look at the way Jesus treated the women he interacted with, I’m sure you’ll agree that he treated them as he treated the men.
Also, it’s all well and good looking at what the Apostles have to say about roles of women and authority, but please remember that these men grew up in a society where women were lower class, that would be there opinions. At no point is it recorded that Jesus himself, who sat and are with women, forbade them to teach.
Caitlyn, I agree. I think the way Jesus treated and interacted with women is so important. It was truly revolutionary.
As was Jesus’ teaching on leadership and community.
I do believe that when we’ve made up our minds to do something, or to believe something, we will find justifications as well. That’s why they say “where there’s a will, there’s a way”. I understand that you’re a strong feminist, and I understand your viewpoint. Unfortunately I can’t agree with you, because if we want to be prophetesses (holy women), we must obey the Word. Mentioning 15 womens’ success, doesn’t take away from what is written about our role as HOLY WOMEN. I am focusing on prophetesses only; just because a woman lived in Biblical times doesn’t mean she was holy. e.g. Sheerah building things doesn’t mean she was holy.
In Deborah’s time there was chaos, no king, and everyone “did what was right in their own eyes”. In a time when the men were confused, of course women would have to make do without their leaders. Deborah’s situation was not at all ideal, she just did her best under the circumstances, and the role she was forced to play is not to be seen as the ideal or a precedent. The ideal, is described clearly by Paul, and it involves being discreet, chaste, being a keeper at home, and loving your family. The ideal as described in Proverbs 31 has nothing to do with leading churches either.
Hi Sister,
I do everything Paul says in Titus 2:4-5, and I’m not even a young woman living in first-century Crete.. I also do some of the things Priscilla and Phoebe did. It doesn’t have to be an either/or situation.
I regard Priscilla and Phoebe as holy women.
Here are more things Bible women did without any hint of disapproval from God or from the biblical authors who mention them: (I don’t mention the idealised and fictitious Proverbs 31 in this article either.)
God does not have a problem with a godly, well-behaved woman teaching and guiding his people. God chose, and continues to choose, certain women and men to be his prophets and to be the leaders of his people. Whether they are male or female really isn’t an issue for God, though it might be for people in certain cultural contexts.
How can you lead churches if you’re supposed to remain silent in them? (1 Corinthians 14:34/) This is not something we can just brush off. None of the holy women was a church leader. That’s why I seek to understand how exactly you are able to justify women who lead churches.
Hi Sister,
Please be assured that I do not brush off any passage of scripture. I treasure God’s Word and have devoted my life to understanding it and to living it out.
Here’s a short article which shows that three groups of people are silenced in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 under certain conditions:
Paul valued his female ministry colleagues. And his more general information about ministry and ministry gifts does not indicate that women are excluded in any way.
I regard Priscilla and Phoebe, and certain other NT women, as holy women. They were not silent in meetings held in their own homes or elsewhere. Paul encouraged participation in meetings from all godly, or holy, people regardless of sex.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you [plural] teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Colossians 3:15-16
What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.
1 Corinthians 14:26 NIV
See also Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, Ephesians 4:4-13; and 1 Corinthians 11:5 which mention women praying and prophesying in Corinthians churches.
Again, in most situations, God doesn’t have a problem with the sex of who is leading or teaching. He has equipped some of his daughters as well as some of his sons to guide, build up, and feed his people.
We are new covenant people belonging to a new covenant community of God’s people. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let’s not silence the voice of the Spirit.
In the last days, God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your youth will see visions, your seniors will dream dreams. Even on both my male servants and female servants, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”
Thank you so much, sister. I am a student in Uganda Baptist Seminary Jinja and I have written a 47-page research paper on women in ministry. Your ideas are included.
If you need I will copy my search paper to you.
Thank you again and again.
Bishop Edweu George
Hello Edweu George,
I’ll send you an email, if that is okay with you. I would love to read your research.
Having grown up in the Baptist community on very familiar with their “women in ministry”concepts teaching women and and children SS, operating in other help ministries etc. I have to say that you have articulated well your Biblical stance and defense with great wisdom and grace (Col. 4:6, Eph. 4:29). From my understanding of the Word concerning our “new covenant” we have only ONE head JESUS! (I Cor. 12:12-27, Col 1:18, Eph 4:11-16, Col. 1:18, Eph. 5:23 etc.). Therefore, by just logical deduction we are ALL then HIS body (Gal. 3:28-29, Rom. 12:4-8, I Cor. 12:12-31, Eph. 2:19-22, Col. 2:19, Eph. 4:11-16, I Cor. 10:16-17, Col. 3:15 etc. I could go on and on)! Kudos!
Very happy to have found this! I have been praying about this very thing and found a link leading here. I’ve also been praying for an intelligent expounding of the Word in relation to the topic, and I’ve certainly found that here. Thank you so much.