Exploring the biblical theology of Christian egalitarianism

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Search Results for: euodia

Mosaic of Paul presenting Praxedes to Christ

Paulo sobre papéis de gênero no ministério e no casamento

Alguns versos nas cartas de Paulo são freqüentemente citados pelos cristãos que excluem as mulheres de certos ministérios. Mas Paulo restringiu o ministério das mulheres? Qual foi a atitude dele em relação às mulheres ministras? E o casamento? Existem papéis de gênero no casamento?

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Mosaic of Paul presenting Praxedes to Christ

Paul on Gender Roles in Ministry and Marriage

A few verses in Paul’s letters are frequently cited by Christians who exclude women from some ministries. Did Paul really restrict women in either ministry or marriage? This is part 3 of a series on gender roles in the Bible.

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Twelve Apostles male men

Os doze apóstolos eram todos homens

Um argumento muitas vezes levantado em discussões sobre as mulheres na liderança da igreja é que os doze apóstolos de Jesus eram todos do sexo masculino e, como não havia mulheres entre os Doze, isso significa que as mulheres não podem ser líderes da igreja. Este é um argumento válido?

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authentein 1 Timothy 2:12

Authority in the Church

Many Christians are concerned with who has authority in the church and about whether a woman can have authority over a man. Who has authority in the church?

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Plutarch and Paul on husbands and wives

Plutarch and Paul on Husbands and Wives

While reading Plutarch’s “Advice to the Bride and Groom,” it struck me that some Christians sound like Plutarch (a 1st-century pagan author), rather than like Paul, in what they say about men and women and marriage.

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Pete and Me

Towards Equality – My Story

This is my account about how I went from thinking that a gender hierarchy in marriage and ministry was God’s design to realising that equality and mutuality is scriptural and God’s ideal.

I have included some of my personal views on topics related to biblical equality or “Casteless Christianity”. [3000 words]

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